- i do not know where to click to turn on the phone
- i explained yesterday to my grandson
- true?
- yes
- so where to click?
- i forgot
1) the dinner table is higher that the coffee table. the coffee table is lower than the dinner table 2) a poodle is stronger than a collie dog a collie dog is weaker than a poodle 3) the summer is dryer than autumn the autumn is rainier than summer 4) a forest is bigger than a park a park is smaller than a forest 5) my sister is younger than me i am older than my sister 6) the theatre is older that the cinema the cinema is newer that the theatre 7) the tea is hotter than the coffee the coffee is colder than a tea: )
1) a mouse has been caught by my cat. мышь была поймана моей кошкой. 2) all the apples on the dish have been eaten by us. все яблоки на блюде были съедены нами. 3) window has been broken by somebody. окно было разбито кем-то. 4) the newspapers have been delivered by the postman by breakfast time. газеты были почтальоном к завтраку (или лучше к времени завтрака, чтобы смешно не звучало) . 5) mr. hull's speech had been finished by 7 o'clock. речь мистера халла была закончена к семи часам. 6) all the cakes had been eaten by the children when the parents returned home. все пирожные уже были съедены детьми, когда родители вернулись домой.
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- i do not know where to click to turn on the phone
- i explained yesterday to my grandson
- true?
- yes
- so where to click?
- i forgot