
Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число. 1this cup is dirty.2that biscuit was tasty.3this hotel is very expensive but it's very nice. 4 there is a children's playground ih the park. 5 that is a new sepermarket in our town. 6 it's a delicious lemon pie for dessert. 7 it's a nice cotton dress for my niece. 8 this man is an engineer. 9 that woman is my sister. 10 this child is my son 11 that goose is big. 12 this mouse is white. 13 this man is a doctor. 14 that woman is my cousin. she is a teacher. 15 that girl is my niece.

Английский язык


1. These cups are dirty.
2. Those biscuits were tasty.
3. These hotels are very expensive but they`re very nice.
4. There are children's playgrounds in the parks.
5. Those are new sepermarkets in our towns.
6. They`re delicious lemon pies for dessert.
7. They`re nice cotton dresses for my nieces.
8. These men are engineers.
9. Those women are my sisters.
10. These children are my sons.
11. Those geese are big.
12. These mice are white.
13. These men are doctors.
14. Those women are my cousins. They are teachers.
15. Those girls are my nieces.
Tobacco smoking is considered a typical risk factor: it brings short-term relaxation, but in the long-term harmful effects of the heart, circulatory system, causing a first myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis. It is many times increases the risk of various cancers, including larynx and lungs, can cause duodenal ulcers and chronic bronchitis. The worst thing in these severe illnesses that they tend to evolve over time and only gradually becomes clear their true scale. 

Tobacco addiction is not less than heroin, revered the most powerful drug. When this fact according to leading U.S. surgeon Everett Koop, it struck a storm of ridicule and harassment raised by leading U.S. tobacco companies, and countless numbers of their followers consumers. 

Motives to regular smoking may be quite different. This desire and better "relax" and to cope with uncertainty when dealing with other people, and create an image emansipirovannosti. If today a lot of people smoke despite the obvious risk to his health, especially for mental reasons, to overcome that they do not have enough strength. 

На русском 

Табакокурение считается типичным рискованным фактором: оно приносит кратко расслабление, но в долго воздействии вредит сердцу, системе кровообращения, вызывая прежде всего инфаркт миокарда и атеросклероз. Оно во много раз увеличивает риск различных раковых заболеваний, в частности гортани и легких, может вызвать язву двенадцатиперстной кишки и хронический бронхит. Самое страшное в этих тяжелых заболеваниях то, что они, как правило, развиваются в течение долгого времени и лишь постепенно становится ясным их истинный масштаб. 

Табак вызывает пристрастие не меньше, чем героин, почитающийся самым сильным наркотиком. Когда об этом факте заявил ведущий хирург США Эверетт Куп, на него обрушилась целая буря насмешек и издевательств, поднятая ведущими американскими табачными компаниями и бессчетным числом их приверженцев-потребителей. 

Побудительные причины к регулярному курению бывают совершенно различными. Это желание и лучше «расслабиться»» , и преодолеть неуверенность при контактах с другими людьми, и создать имидж эмансипированности. Если сегодня много людей курят невзирая на очевидный риск для своего здоровья, то в первую очередь по психическим причинам, преодолеть которые им не хватает сил.
It is very important in our world to be a literate and educated person. The school is a home of knowledge, where every student for 11 years can get all the knowledge that will be necessary for him in later life. The Russian language, Russian speech - this is what other people first of all pay attention to. The need for proper spelling and pronunciation of words is very important in our life. The school gives me such an opportunity, to study and learn all the wisdom of our language with you, to learn how to correctly express your thoughts. I believe that the Russian language is one of those subjects that it is necessary to study and know each respected person in our society. And even though they meet people by their clothes, they accompany them to the mind.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Поставьте следующие предложения во множественное число. 1this cup is dirty.2that biscuit was tasty.3this hotel is very expensive but it's very nice. 4 there is a children's playground ih the park. 5 that is a new sepermarket in our town. 6 it's a delicious lemon pie for dessert. 7 it's a nice cotton dress for my niece. 8 this man is an engineer. 9 that woman is my sister. 10 this child is my son 11 that goose is big. 12 this mouse is white. 13 this man is a doctor. 14 that woman is my cousin. she is a teacher. 15 that girl is my niece.
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