
Напишите по сочинение примерно 60 слов на тему достопримечательности крыма ; например как - ай-петри, ласточкино гнездо

Английский язык


Vorontsov Palace – a jewel of Tauris. A visit to a small South coast town of Alupka just to stroll through the mysterious Park surrounding the famous castle. Its walls keep many secrets. The Palace was designed by court architect of Queen Victoria of England, here under the veil of mystery met members of the Masonic Lodge, here of the legendary Winston Churchill, rested the great of this world famous film... Vorontsov Palace illustration 0 Only some 20 years... Since the story of the Vorontsov Palace, not mention the man who created this architectural masterpiece. A descendant of the old Russian noble family, Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov was famous for the wit, erudition and refined taste. In the tradition of his time, he since birth has been recorded in the regiment, and in four years "made" to warrant! With 19 years of Vorontsov has really waging a war with the Turks, the Swedes and the French. In the famous battle of Borodino, a young Earl gets injured. In the years 1815-1818, Vorontsov commanded the Russian occupation corps in France. Also takes part in the campaigns of the Caucasus, and in 1845 erected in princely advantage. Vorontsov Palace illustration 1 Fruitful activities of Prince Vorontsov in peacetime. A significant mark on himself, he left the new Russia, which was ruled by being in the rank of Governor from 1823 to 1844-the year. In those days edge, trusted him, included a considerable part of the Northern black sea, including Crimea. Vorontsov was also a great handyman. In the period of his reign cost increased Odessa, Kherson, Nikolaev, Sevastopol. The Governor manages to hold the road, including the magnificent South coast highway in the Crimea. At this time there shall be a shipping company on the Black sea, the foundations of viticulture and fine-fleeced sheep. "He possessed great wealth – his and his wife, Countess Branitskaya, and we get huge content as Governor and spent most of their funds for the construction of the Palace and gardens on the southern coast of the Crimea", – wrote about count Leo Tolstoy "Hadji Murad". Vorontsov Palace illustration 2 For the construction of your dream Vorontsov spared no expense, nor time, nor human resources. The construction of the Palace lasted 20 years – work was carried out from 1828 to 1848. To create the project invited Edward Blore, is a court architect of Queen Victoria. He owned many famous buildings – castle Walter Scott in Scotland and Buckingham Palace in London. Still unknown, did Blore to Alupka, but he miraculously managed to perfectly combine the architecture with the surrounding mountain scenery. Perhaps the schemer lit up with inspiration, but it is possible that he came to the Crimea to get acquainted with the local terrain. By the time of implementation of the project Blore foundations and first walls of the portal niche of the Central building was ready. The Palace was originally built by architects Francesco Boffo and Thomas Harrison. Vorontsov Palace illustration 3 To build the Palace come hereditary masons and stone-cutters, who had experience in the construction and relief decoration of white-stone cathedrals. Thus, elegant residence was built on obrok serfs from the Vladimir and Moscow provinces. A wonderful architectural piece was built by hand using primitive tools. The first rose dining Cabinet then was built the Central. In 1842 to the dining room was added a billiard room. And in the years 1838-1844 shaped courtyard, was built guest building, Eastern wings, all Palace towers, the Pentagon of commercial buildings. The latter was built the library building. Vorontsov Palace illustration 4 The architecture of the Palace has elements of various periods, styles, architectural eclecticism, however, looks very harmonious. The architects boldly combine the English style with Moorish. A vivid example: the Gothic chimneys resemble minarets of the mosque. The South entrance demonstrates Oriental splendor. It is very similar to the Spanish Alhambra Palace, once owned by the Arab rulers. On its facade the inscription is repeated six times, in Arabic, stating: "there is No Victor but Allah". The Western part of the facade is in neo-Gothic style. From the mountains of the Palace resemble the harsh outlines of the castles of the English aristocracy. The Palace tower are very diverse. The building is decorated with all sorts of spires and domes, carved eaves and openwork balustrades, staircases and chimney... it is not Surprising that here in the twentieth century created the film adaptation of Robert Louis Stevenson and Shakespeare, starred the famous "Heavenly swallows", "Crazy day or the Marriage of Figaro" and many other paintings.

order to be healthy and active one should eat useful products. They should be vitamin rich.  

Vitamins are organic elements which are very important and useful for a man. Not in vain “vitamin” means life in the translation from the Latin language. They help to normal work and human body development, tissue renewal, regular metabolism, immunity improvement.

Vitamins mostly get into our organism with food, which contain necessary elements put by the nature. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins that’s why majority of doctors advice to eat plant food. It is necessary to cook food in such way to preserve vitamins more full.  

At present days there are more than 30 vitamins, they bear names of Latin letters – A, B, C, etc. It is extremely useful to eat oranges and currant that contain vitamin C, fish and caviar are rich in vitamin B, oil has vitamin E, and vitamin A one can find in carrot and eggs. Internet can help in the question of vitamin content in that or those products, that’s why today it’s easy to take care of oneself. В

Sometimes people suffer from avitaminosis, vitamin deficiency, which can be a reason of many illnesses. Today there is the opportunity to buy vitamins in a drugstore, to be in tonus and to keep one’s organism from illnesses. However one shouldn’t overestimate the value of synthetical vitamins and to refuse natural, it’s better to combine them.

Speaking about vitamin role, it is necessary to remember that there no life without vitamins.


No animal in the world who can't outrun a Cheetah over short distances. One of the experiments showed that this beast can accelerate to 84 km/h in 4 seconds, while the car Ferrari reaches a similar result only for 5 seconds. This is not the limit of its possibilities: was record was 114 km/h!

Developing Takuya incredible speed, he can't compete at long distances: the Cheetah is a Sprinter. At maximum speed the beast running jumps with a length of 6-8 m, spending on each jump less than 0.5 seconds. During a run frequency of his breathing increased to 150 times per minute. In brackets I will say that, of course, for such a gift you have to pay for such nagoski not go unnoticed - there are times when the Cheetah, running with great speed a few hundred meters, just lost consciousness and then very long to recover.A Cheetah's small head, small rounded ears, body, nicely folded, lean, muscular and almost no fat, legs, very tall, slim, long-legged, - that is, the aerodynamic characteristics of the body of the beast is such that serve for better aerodynamics during a race. The tail is long, thin, evenly pubescent, serves as an excellent wheel while running. The fur is short.The Cheetah is a unique animal! Researchers attribute it to the family cat, but the structure is similar to the Cheetah, long-legged hound. Hurt, for example, dog diseases. Like dogs, and sit and hunt. The coat of the animal like the fur-haired dogs. Canines compressed laterally, as in dogs. In General, the construction of the body of the Cheetah is almost identical to the silhouette of the Greyhound, and some aspects of the behavior is also more characteristic of dogs. And the spots on the skin resemble cat furClaws he polistinae and quite stupid - this characteristic distinguishes the Cheetah from other cats. Kids can draw claws as kittens, only to 10 to 15 weeks later, the claws become almost stationary over time, blurred and blunted at the ends, like the claws of dogs. But cheetahs use the claw of the first toe just like all cats love to climb trees, though it may be, and acquired habit. The claw of the first toe is always sharp, as it never touches the ground. With its help, the predator knocks down the prey..

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