
15 написать на языке текст про мои хобби-спорт ( используя 10 слов из этого текста) most of the people have hobbies. some of them collect stamps, dolls, postcards, cars and what not. others have a passion for music, painting, dancing and so on. a hobby can help you become a harmoniously developed person, be always in high spirits, and enrich you inner world. an interesting activity, which gives you pleasure and joy, may become your second occupation. a hobby helps you to distract your thoughts from work, everyday cares and duties. moreover, a hobby gives you the sense of fullness of life. the forms of a hobby are different. it’s quite natural, especially for citizens of towns and cities, to enjoy contacts with nature. the most fascinating hobbies 34 are walking, gardening, fishing, and hunting. collecting things is also a widespread hobby. the objects of collecting are rare books, postcards, stamps and so on. collecting is not an idle and useless pastime, as many persons think, but it is a very useful and fascinating activity. some people prefer active entertainment and enjoyment and not passive one. they like different kinds of sports such as skiing, swimming, playing volleyball. reading is the activity that gives people knowledge and teaches them to live. people in other countries have hobbies which seem exotic to us, for example scuba diving, bungee jumping, snorkeling and bird watching. hobby is of great importance to the life of people. it brings you happiness and intense satisfaction.

Английский язык


All the people have different interesting activities that attract them more or less. Normally we call them hobbies. I also have a hobby that helps me to be in high spirit. My hobby is sport. It's not very exotic as bungee jumping or scuba diving but it gives me pleasure and joy. My favorite kinds are volleyball and basketball. I like playing these games because they are very active and they bring me happiness and intense satisfaction. 
Миллионы людей во всем мире проводят свой отпуск, путешествуя. Они путешествуют, чтобы увидеть другие страны и континенты, современные города и руины древних городов, они путешествуют, чтобы насладиться живописными местами, или просто для смены обстановки. Это всегда интересно открыть для себя новые вещи, различные пути жизни, встречать различных людей, пробовать разную пищу, послушать различные музыкальные ритмы.Те, кто живет в стране, как отправиться в большой город и проводить свое время, Посещая музеи и художественные галереи, разглядывая витрины магазинов и Обедая в экзотических ресторанах. Городским жителям обычно нравится спокойный отпуск на море или в горах, и ничего не делать, но ходить и купаться и лежать на солнце.Большинство путешественников и отдыхающих берут камеру с ними и снимают все, что интересует их — достопримечательности города, старые церкви и замки, виды гор, озер, долин, равнин, водопадов, лесов, различные виды деревьев, цветов и растений, животных и птиц.Позже, возможно несколько лет спустя, фотографии напомнят им о счастливом времени, они когда-то были.Люди путешествуют поездом, самолетом, на корабле и на машине. Все путешествия имеют свои преимущества и недостатки. И люди выбирают один согласно их планам и направлениям.Если мы любим путешествовать, мы увидеть и узнать много вещей, которые мы никогда не сможем увидеть или узнать дома, хотя мы можем читать о них в книгах и газетах и увидеть их фотографии по телевизору. Лучший изучать географию-это путешествовать, и лучший узнать и понять людей-встретиться с ними в их собственных домах.
he World's Bizarre Festivals
People of all nationalities celebrate festivals to mark a religious event, to commemorate some significant occasions in their history, to preserve their traditions and just for merry-making. Festivals are organized to unite people and to provide entertainment. Every country has its own unique customs and events. There are many famous festivals around the world such as the Carnivals in Rio de Janeiro and Venice. They are very large and colourful events which draw huge crowds of local people and tourists. But there are a lot of smaller festivals going on in different countries every day of the year. Some of them are quite usual. Others are bizarre and crazy.

lot of other bizarre festivals in the world such as Great American Bathtub Race in Alaska, the USA, the World Sauna Championships in Heinola, Finland, the World's Biggest Liar Competition in Wasdale, England, Camel Wrestling in the Aegean region, Turkey and many other festivals in different parts of the world. Maybe some of them are silly and crazy but they remind us that life is not boring at all and we should derive as much pleasure as we can from it. Besides laughter makes us healthier and

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15 написать на языке текст про мои хобби-спорт ( используя 10 слов из этого текста) most of the people have hobbies. some of them collect stamps, dolls, postcards, cars and what not. others have a passion for music, painting, dancing and so on. a hobby can help you become a harmoniously developed person, be always in high spirits, and enrich you inner world. an interesting activity, which gives you pleasure and joy, may become your second occupation. a hobby helps you to distract your thoughts from work, everyday cares and duties. moreover, a hobby gives you the sense of fullness of life. the forms of a hobby are different. it’s quite natural, especially for citizens of towns and cities, to enjoy contacts with nature. the most fascinating hobbies 34 are walking, gardening, fishing, and hunting. collecting things is also a widespread hobby. the objects of collecting are rare books, postcards, stamps and so on. collecting is not an idle and useless pastime, as many persons think, but it is a very useful and fascinating activity. some people prefer active entertainment and enjoyment and not passive one. they like different kinds of sports such as skiing, swimming, playing volleyball. reading is the activity that gives people knowledge and teaches them to live. people in other countries have hobbies which seem exotic to us, for example scuba diving, bungee jumping, snorkeling and bird watching. hobby is of great importance to the life of people. it brings you happiness and intense satisfaction.
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