When did you get my letter?I have known her since I was a child.Where have you been playing? You're covered in mud.My brother has been retired for two years.Your friend is fond of you. He is talking of you very much these days.She has been living in my flat since June.(2)
Is there so much/little salt left?There is much milk in the fridge but there is very little sour cream there.He couldn't think how many policemen have arrived.I'm delighted. Tom has made very few mistakes in the test.Three buiscuits are not many, they are few.Have you got much money?Do you really need so much sugar?They didn't have much luck this season.Осень-это самое яркое время года!Осенью вся природа приобретает красный,жёлтый,оранжевый,коричневый оттенок.Воздух прохладный,прозрачный.Дни становятся короче,а ночи длиннее.Все животные в суматохе собирают пищу на зиму,птицы последним чириканьем улетают в тёплые края.Именно осенью можно насладится ,как меняется природа .Начинается пора уборки огорода и полей.А в лесу начинается парад листопад.На улице лежат кучи золотых листьев.Люди одеваются тепле и теплее.Очень часто идут дожди ,на дорогах лужи.Осенью появляется разное изобилие грибов.Так же осенью хорошая возможность погулять с друзьями,налюбоваться на природу,и просто помечтать!Вот поэтому я люблю именно осень.Это самая чудная пора на свете!
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Вставить пропущенные слова dear granny! how are you? how did you spend your weekend? i know that your friend, aunt vera, visited you. where did you go together? i've good news for you. my friends ann and tom england are going to visit us soon. i am looking 3 to seeing them in moscow. i want to show them interesting places: the kremlin, red sguare, the circus, the zoo and many others. do you think you can come and help us meet ann and tom? i hope you can make my favourite pancakes and your tasty apple-pie. we meet you at the station. write soon. with best wishes, masha. 1. a) read masha's letter. b) say what her granny can cook wery well. 2. read the letter again and fill in the blanks with the correct words.
How are you? How did you spend your weekend? I know that your friend, aunt Vera, visited you. Where did you go together?
I've ..(2) got good news for you. My friends Ann and Tom .(1) from England are going to visit us soon. I am looking ..( 3 ) forward.. to seeing them in Moscow. I want to show them ..( 4) most.. interesting places: the Kremlin, Red Sguare, the circus, the Zoo and many others. Do you think you can come and help us meet Ann and Tom? I hope you can make my favourite pancakes and your tasty apple-pie. We ..(5 ) can.. meet you at the station. Write soon. With best wishes, Masha.
b) Say what her Granny can cook wery well. Masha's Granny can cook pancakes and apple-pies very well.