
Можете проверить на наличие ошибок , исправить)) my family is rather small.there are only three of us me, my mother and my cat.we live together in our flat.but also i have grandparents and many relatives who live apart from us but we see each other very often. my mom's name is aleksandra.she is preety, young-looking woman with long dark hair and she rounded brown eyes. my mother works children's pediatrician at the emergency room.she is kind and social person and loves to ride a bike .mom has real talent in looking.i like to help her in the kitchen. our cat marquis is also a member of our fluffy and cute .when we come home after a hard day marquis always greets us at the door .rubs against his legs and nens to the kitchen my grandparents are very old .grandmother 75 years old and his grandfather 80 years .they live far from us in a private house with a big garden in the yard.they are my mmother's parents. i spend a lot of time with my family .i love my family very much.

Английский язык


My family is rather small.There are only three of us me,my mother and my cat.We live together in our flat. But also I have grandparents and many relatives who live apart from us but we see each other very often.
My mom's name is Aleksandra.She is pretty,young-looking woman with long dark hair and (she убрать) rounded brown eyes. My mother works as a children's pediatrician at the emergency room.She is kind and social person and loves to ride a bike. Mom has a real talent for medicine. I like to help her in the kitchen.
Our cat Marquis is also a member of our family. He is fluffy and cute .When we come home after a hard day Marquis always greets us at the door. Rubs against our legs and runs to the kitchen 
My grandparents are very old .Grandmother is 75 years old and my grandfather is 80. They live far from us in a private house with a big garden (in the yard  убрать).They are my mother's parents.
I spend a lot of time with my family. I love my family very much.
Начало учебного года началось с незапланированного самоубийства моего одноклассника и по совместительству закадычного друга Б. Парень решил не обременять себя жизненными трудностями и поставив на себе клеймо "Безнадёжного тупицы" вскрылся. Учиться после такого сами понимаете как-то тяжело. Да нет. Очень тяжело. Шесть лет дружбы и вот тебе... Этот инцедент очень подорвал мою психику. Сейчас прохожу приём транквилизаторов, но пока эмоции не угасают.  Дорогой Б наполнял мою жизнь смыслом. Теперь Я опустошён. 
New school year began with the unplanned suicide of my classmate and part-time sidekick, B. Guy decided not to burden themselves with life's difficulties and put the stigma of "hopelessly stupid" was discovered. Learn when you know this is somehow difficult. Well no. Very hard. Six years of friendship and here's ... This intsedent really blew my mind. Now I pass reception tranquilizers, but emotion is not quenched. Dora B fills my life with meaning. Now, I'm devastated.
Американские горки представляют собой железнодорожную систему специальной конструкции, спроектированной так, чтобы состав вагонеток с пассажирами, проходящий по ней, резко изменял направление и скорость движения.

They represent a railway system of a special design, designed so that the composition of trolleys with passengers passing along it, sharply changed the direction and speed of movement. Since the trolleys do not have their own energy source, the acceleration uses the transformation of the potential energy of the composition into kinetic and vice versa.

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Можете проверить на наличие ошибок , исправить)) my family is rather small.there are only three of us me, my mother and my cat.we live together in our flat.but also i have grandparents and many relatives who live apart from us but we see each other very often. my mom's name is aleksandra.she is preety, young-looking woman with long dark hair and she rounded brown eyes. my mother works children's pediatrician at the emergency room.she is kind and social person and loves to ride a bike .mom has real talent in looking.i like to help her in the kitchen. our cat marquis is also a member of our fluffy and cute .when we come home after a hard day marquis always greets us at the door .rubs against his legs and nens to the kitchen my grandparents are very old .grandmother 75 years old and his grandfather 80 years .they live far from us in a private house with a big garden in the yard.they are my mmother's parents. i spend a lot of time with my family .i love my family very much.
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