а) старый - старее - самый старый; быстрый - быстрее - самый быстрый; практичный - практичнее - самый практичный; эффективный - менее эффективный - наименее эффективный.
б) Самый эффективный локомотив на русской железной дороге; большие изменения в транспортировке; новейшая форма в железнодорожной тяге; самый быстрый дизельный локомотив
а) Этот локомотив был построен в году, он используется для перевозки пассажиров. Новая линия будет длиной в 100 километров, она будет использоваться только для грузовых перевозок. Развитие дизельных локомотивов феноменально, и должно быть внимательно изучено.
б) Необходимо создать; важно сконструировать, было возможно улучшить
с) Сейчас около четырех часов занимает путь из Москвы в Санкт-Петербург. Это требует опытных водителей для работы с современным локомотивами. В России первый дизельный локомотив был изготовлен в 1924. Сцепщики были построены на фабрике в Муроме.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
)надо. task i. read the text general information about the usa. translate it in writing. underline the predicates and define tense and voice. general information about the usa the territory of the united states of america stretches from the atlantic coast, across the central plains, over the rocky mountains to the densely populated west coast and then to the island state of hawaii. at present the population of the usa is about two hundred and thirty nine million. the usa is called the 'nation of immigrants'. the country was settled, built and developed by generations of immigrants and their children. many different social and cultural traditions, ethnic sympathies, racial groups and religious affiliations make up the people of the usa. the united states of america was founded in 1776. the constitution was adopted in 1787. since then more then 25 amendments to the constitution have been made. the first ten amendments are known as the bill of rights. the constitution defines a federal system of government. certain powers are given to the national or federal government and all other powers belong to the states. at present the united states of america is a federal republic, consisting of fifty states each of which has its own state government, its own police and its own laws. the president is the head of the country, he chooses the ministers and the members of the cabinet forming the executive power. the legislative power is vested in congress the federal government consisting of two chambers: the senate and the house of representatives. task ii. check if you remember: 1. what is the official name of the country? 2. what is the official name of the capital of the country? 3. what large cities are there in the states? what powers does the federal government consist of? what was the country as such founded? when was the constitution adopted? who heads the executive in the states? who finances the police in the states? task iii. make up questions to the following sentences: the president chooses the ministers and the members of the cabinet. (what? ) the united states of america was founded in 1776. (when? ) at present there are fifty states in the united states of america. (how many? ) yes, each of fifty states has its own state government, its own police and its own laws. generations of immigrants and their children built and developed the country. (who? )