was, were (ir)
went (ir)
smelled (r) felt (ir) had (ir)
bought (ir)
looked (r) grew (ir) told (ir) heard (ir) dropped (r)
creamed (r) shot (ir) came (ir) covered (r)
became (ir) felt (ir) shouted (r)
cryed (r) started (r)
hid (ir) pointed (r) held (ir) followed (r)
ran (ir)
spelt (ir)
ir-irregular verbs (неправильные глаголы)
r-regular verbs (правильные глаголы)
как можете заметить, к глаголам, рядом с которыми написано (r) я прибавила -ed. это правило образования глаголов из инфинитива в время, но работает оно только для правильных глаголов.
остальные же, с которыми написано (ir), не образуют форму времени по правилу. из данных слов составлена таблица неправильных глаголов, в которой можно найти все формы.
2 children's shoes - the shoes of the children
3. the world's population - the population fo the world
4. Britain's scientists - The scientists of Britain
5. the letter's top - the top of the letters
6. the dog's kennel - the kennel of the dog
7. the club's owner - the owner of the club
8. the company's director - the director of the company
9. yesterday's news - the news of yesterday
10. next week's meeting - the meeting of next week
11. the horses' stable - the stable of the horses
12. a table's leg - the leg of the table
13. the book's cover - the cover of the book
14. the twins' mother - the mother of the twins
15. a man's voice - the voice of the man
16. my sister-in-law's father - the father of my sister-in-law
17. the boss's secretary - the secretary of the boss
18. Charles's address - the address of Charles
19. (I'm staying) at my aunt's - (I'm staying) at the house of my aunt
20. China's policy - the policy of China
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Заверши предложения, вставив слова из рамочки morning, afternoon, evening
2. We are at school in the morning and in the afternoon.
3. The king is on the throne.
4. My doll has a new dress.
5, I have a sister and a brother. (тут ничего не должно быть)
6. Her name is Meggy, his name is Charlie.
7. Chimp Dick and Chimp Orson like to sleep in the evening.
8. I can see old book on the desk.
9. They like to sing songs and play ping-pong.