
Составьте вопросы в present simple или present continuous. 1. what/you/do/at the home? 2. how often/you/have english? 3. what time/this class/finish? 4. what/your teacher/wear/today? 5. what/you/wear/at the moment? 6. how/you/usually/travel to school?

Английский язык


Maksim Dmitrii1579
What do you usually do at home?
How often do you have English?
What time does this class finish?
What is your teacher wearing today?
What are you wearing at the moment?
How do you usually travel to school?
Kolokolnikova DANIIL179
Melbourne's second largest city in Australia, the capital of Victoria, is located around Port Phillip Bay. The population of metropolitan area is about 4246 345. The city is considered one of the major commercial, industrial and cultural centers of Australia. Melbourne is also often referred to as' sporting and cultural capital "of the country, as there are many sporting and cultural events in the life of Australia

Мельбурн второй по величине город Австралии, столица штата Виктория, расположившаяся вокруг залива Порт-Филлип. Численность населения с пригородами составляет около 4 246 345. Город считается одним из основных коммерческих, промышленных и культурных центров Австралии. Мельбурн также часто называют «спортивной и культурной столицей» страны, так как в нём проходят многие спортивные и культурные события в жизни Австралии.
There are many different species of wildlife in Australia. A high percentage of mammals, reptiles, fish, insects and amphibians that live on the continent are endemic to Australia, or in other words common to this country. This fact can be explained by the continent’s long geographic isolation and tectonic stability.

The marsupials are the most popular group of mammals in Australia. It includes kangaroos, wallabies, koalas, Tasmanian wolves, Tasmanian devils, wombats and lots of others. These animals raise their young in a pouch. The  platypus and the echidna are egg-laying mammals. Australia is also home to two of the five known species of monotremes and has numerous venomous species including spiders, scorpions, octopus, jellyfish, molluscs and some others. It should be mentioned that there are more venomous than non-venomous species of snakes in Australia.

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Составьте вопросы в present simple или present continuous. 1. what/you/do/at the home? 2. how often/you/have english? 3. what time/this class/finish? 4. what/your teacher/wear/today? 5. what/you/wear/at the moment? 6. how/you/usually/travel to school?
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