the weather forecast for March 31 is expected to be rainy. In Artyom today the temperature is cloudy during the day is +6, and at night -5
In Vladivostok, partly cloudy temperatures are + 6 during the day and -6 during the night. In Arsenyev, the temperature is cloudy during the day and +6 when it is -7 at night. In the Big Stone, a small snow temperature during the day is +2, and at night it is -6. In Ussuriysk sleet temperature during the day +3 at night -6. In a find today cloudy temperature in the afternoon +2 at night -2. In Dalnegorsk, the temperature is cloudy during the daytime 0 at night -6. In Spassk-Far, cloudy temperatures are +4 at night during the day. In Dalnerechensk, today the temperature is cloudy during the day is +5 at night -5. In Partizansk snow temperature during the day is +4 at night -6. In Lesozavodsk, the temperature during the day is +5 at night -7. In Fokino, snow temperatures are +6 at night -4
1.We are going to stay at a hotel which is near the River Thames. - правильно
2.We want to visit all the famous sights. - нeпpaвильнo.
We want to visit all famous sights - тaк пpaвильнo.
3.I can't wait to see Buckingham Palace and Big Ben. - правильно
4.We also want to visit the Tower of London. - правильно
5.My mum says that the food in the UK is delicious. - нeпpaвильнo.
My mum says that food in the UK is delicious. - тaк пpaвильнo.
6. So, I'm going to try the fish and chips. I can't wait. - нeпpaвильнo.
So, I'm going to try fish and chips. I can't wait. - тaк пpaвильнo.
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Complete the email with the present continuous form of these verbs. ( go / not work / wear / get up / write / use / work / play hi mum and dad, here i am in guatemala. it's great! i'm having a wonderful time. every day we (1) early, about six o'clock. we (2) to work by bus. i (3) today because it's a fiesta. i (4) some emails - this one to you and another one to joe. i (5) my boss's computer. i'm tired. every day we (6) for eight or ten hours. in the evenings we (7) board games. it's fun! oh, thanks for the trainers. i (8) them now. they're great!