
Написать диалог на ! you and your friend are in london. your friend is lost and you are talking with the police officer. listen to the police officer and answer the questions about your friend. (перевод : ты и ваш друг в лондоне. ваш друг потерялся и вы разговаривайте с полицейским. послушайте полицейского и ответьте на его вопросы) описание внешности потерявшегося друга: средний рост, средние русые волосы, зелёные глаза. была одета в джинсы, футболку и ботинки. примерные вопросы(если есть идеи, то добавьте ещё несколько) : как зовут вашу подругу? как она выглядит? во что она была одета? есть ли у вашей подруги особые приметы? заранее за !

Английский язык


1-Hello , exuse me you can help me? 2 Hello , yes of course , what the problem you have 3-My friend lost ! 4-You can describe him ? 5-тут просто перепеши его описание 6-Good , you must go with me , to make photo robot and to make posters 7- thank you , very much❤

Hey,  (имя друга/подруги). You probably don't want to speak to me or see me. I understand. I just want to say I'm sorry I missed your birthday party.  I know that I hurt your feelings but I couldn’t come. I know it sounds stupid but I had my hair cut and I didn’t like it at all… I heard that Rick was also invited to your party and you know how much I like him… I'm sorry for being such a terrible friend. I feel embarrassed and ashamed.

By the way, how was the party? I hope you had fun and received a lot of cool presents. Talking about presents, I’m sorry that my present for you is still at home, so tell me if you want to see me this week. We could have some grilled fish at that old restaurant by the sea. I’d be glad to give my present  to you, at last. Once again – I’m sorry… Please, forgive me. I can’t believe I was so stupid. You know you are my best friend and I love you very much.


Kisses and hugs,

your bestest (now sad) friend Flora.


Hey,  (имя друга/подруги). You probably don't want to speak to me. I understand. I just want to say I'm sorry I missed your birthday party.  I know that I hurt your feelings but I couldn’t come. I know it sounds stupid but I didn’t have any new cool clothes. I heard that Alex was also invited to your party and you know how much I like him… I'm sorry for being such a terrible friend. I feel embarrassed and ashamed. By the way, how was the party? I hope you had fun and received a lot of cool presents. Talking about presents, I’m sorry that my present for you is still with me at home, so tell me if you want to see me this week. We could have our favourite pizza at that old restaurant by the sea. I’d be glad to give my present to you, at last. Once again – I’m sorry, so sorry… Please, forgive me. You know you are my best friend and I love you very much.

 Kisses and hugs,

your bestest (now sad) friend Viola.

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Написать диалог на ! you and your friend are in london. your friend is lost and you are talking with the police officer. listen to the police officer and answer the questions about your friend. (перевод : ты и ваш друг в лондоне. ваш друг потерялся и вы разговаривайте с полицейским. послушайте полицейского и ответьте на его вопросы) описание внешности потерявшегося друга: средний рост, средние русые волосы, зелёные глаза. была одета в джинсы, футболку и ботинки. примерные вопросы(если есть идеи, то добавьте ещё несколько) : как зовут вашу подругу? как она выглядит? во что она была одета? есть ли у вашей подруги особые приметы? заранее за !
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