discovered - используется больше в официальных документах и ТОЛЬКО для фактов..
"In the course of her work, she discovered a number of issues that caused her concern. "
found out - не сленг, но чаще всего используется в диалогах или разговоре и ДЛЯ ВСЕХ ВЕЩЕЙ
"I found out her mom near the station."
work - употребляется в широком формате
"I have a work afternoon"
перевод "У меня есть работа днем" (не в контексте работы, как профессии, а например погулять с собакой)
job - профессия, работа (каждый день)
"My job is to be hostess"
geography - широкое понятие, может включать в себя и геоморфологию и климатологию...
"Geography is a little different today, but I could apply some of those words to my country as well."
earth science - наука про строение Земли
"The growth of the energy program has required new types of earth science information; technological advancements in the areas"
salary - зарплата за ГОД
" Firstly, we must break with the idea of productivity based on the lowering of salary costs and social expenditure. "
wage - зарплата за ЧАС
"Your minimal wage is $5 per hour"
colleagues - коллеги по работе
"He's really good at his job, and he knows how to listen to his colleagues. "
employees - сотрудники (компании, корпорации...)
"The company has 200 employees"
One day I had a dream I was alone on a train. I didn't know where I was going. When the train reached the final stop I went out and saw the space. It was fantastic. I could fly through space and I was not threatened. I saw all the planets, the milky way, my home-planet Earth. Everything was fine. Stars and space is very beautiful. I immediately asked myself questions. How did space appear? Where is its boundary? Who else lives here besides us? But my sleep was interrupted by an alarm clock and I had to get ready for school.
Однажды я увидел сон, как я один еду в поезде. Я не знал куда я еду. Когда поезд доехал до конечной остановки я вышел и увидел космос. Это была фантастика. Я мог летать по космосу и мне ничего не угрожало. Я видел все планеты, млечный путь, свой дом - планету Земля. Все было прекрансо. Звезды и космос это очень красиво. Я сразу задавал себе вопросы. Как появился космос? Где ее граница? Кто еще обитает тут кроме нас? Но мой сон прервал будильник и мне пришлось собираться в школу.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
ответьте на вопросы what's misha's hobby? is this game popular in russia? is misha's shcool team on tv? who is the captain of misha's team? what class is she in? what is she good at? who is the best player? what is he good at? what's the job of andrey's father? who is good at languages? whose answers are always right? who is misha friends with? вот к этому тексту my hobby is playing the game "what? where? when? ". it is a popular russian game. very clever people play it on tv. the rules are very simple. six people answer questions. they've got one minute for each question. our school team is not on tv of course, but we are good for our age. i am in the team. take a look. this is our captain. her name is dina. she is in class 9. she is good at russian literature and history. and this is our best player andrey. he is in class 10. andrey is very good at mathematics and physics. this is andrey's friends kate. she is good at foreign languages. and here are nick and denis. they are brothers. they are very talented. their answers are sometimes surprising, but they are always right. i am friends with nick and denis. nick is also in my class.
2)Yes, it it.
3)No, it isn't.
4)The capitan of Misha's team is Dina.
5)She is in 9 class.
6)She is good in Russian Literature and History.
7)The best player is Andrey.
8)He is good at Mathematics and Physics.
9)In this text there isn't Andrey's father job.
10)It's Kate.
11)Nick's and Denis's answers are always right.
12)With Nick and Denis.