
Как читается monday for health tuesday for wealth wednesday the best day of all thursday for losses friday for crosses saturday no luck at all

Английский язык


Мондэй фор хелф
тьюсдэй фор велф
венсдэй дэ бэст дэй оф ол
фюрсдэй фор лусес
фрайдэй фор кросес
сатурдэй ноу лак ат ол
Мандэй фо хэлс
тьюсдэй фо вэлс
вэнсдэй зе бэст дэй оф олл
сёрсдэй фо лоссес
фрайдей во кроссес
сатудэй ноу лак эт олл
/а вообще проще забить это в переводчик и нажать на кнопочку воспроизвести/

заполните таблицу. напишите по 5 примеров в каждой колонке.

1) дикие животные-тигр лев гиена волк слон

2) Домашние Животные-кошка попугай собака хомяк корова

3) морские животные-акула рыба-клоун дельфин кит тюлень

4) насекомые-многоножка муха комар таракан клещ

5) птицы-орел синица голубь сокол снегирь


fill in the table. write 5 examples in each column.

1) wild animals-tiger lion hyena wolf elephant

2) Pets-cat parrot dog hamster cow

3) sea animals-shark clown fish Dolphin whale seal

4) insects-millipede fly mosquito cockroach tick

5) birds-eagle tit dove Falcon bullfinch




Television is one of the main sources of information. We watch news to learn what is happening not only in our own country, but all over the world. We watch commercials to learn about new products and services on the market. Television is where we find out about future exhibitions, films or events.

Television is a source of entertainment. When you want to have some rest after a long and intense day, television can be a great way to relax. Films, TV series, music, sports events, concerts – everyone can find something to watch.

Television is a source of education. There are educational channels where we can learn interesting facts about the world around us, about other people’s lives and much more. Broadcasts like that are interesting not only for children but for adults, too.

Television is widely available. Many channels can be watched for free, and the full package of them is relatively inexpensive.


Disadvantages of television

When we watch television, time flies. That is why many people spend hours watching television. This is not very good for our health and lifestyle.

One should choose wisely what broadcast to watch. Some of them are of no use at all, and we waste our time watching them. Gossip and crime won't make our life any better. We already understand that our world is far from being perfect. In order to relax, it is better to give preference to some interesting entertaining show or watch a music channel or a film.

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Как читается monday for health tuesday for wealth wednesday the best day of all thursday for losses friday for crosses saturday no luck at all
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