Анна гутлина

Кто знает ! paraphraze the following words and expressions and explain meanings. fellow citizens courtroom; prejudice, to deal thoroughly with the cases, to exempt from jury service; to meet some requirements; impartial decision; to be available for case; legal issues, common sense, to select at random, eligible for service; to have one's civil rights restored, to be excused from jury service; to accommodate a witness; delays during trial.

Английский язык


Paraphraze наступні слова і вирази і пояснити сенс.співгромадяни в залі судового засідання;упередження, ретельно розібратися зі справами,звільнити від служби присяжних засідателів;щоб задовольнити деякі вимоги;неупереджене рішення;бути доступним для випадку;правові питання,здоровий глузд,для вибору у випадковому порядку,право на отримання послуг;мати один цивільні права відновлені,звільнити його від служби присяжних;для розміщення свідка;затримки під час судового розгляду.
Paraphraze следующие слова и выражения и объяснять смысл.
сограждане суда
ущерба, чтобы тщательно разобраться с случаях,
освободить от обслуживания жюри;
для удовлетворения определенных требований;
беспристрастное решение;
должен быть доступен для дела;
правовые вопросы,
здравый смысл,
чтобы выбрать наугад,
право на обслуживание;
чтобы иметь гражданские права восстановлены,
чтобы быть освобожден от работы в жюри;
чтобы разместить свидетеля;
задержки в ходе судебного разбирательства

Hello, guys.  

I am so excited! I can’t wait to take a boat trip to Manhattan and go to Madison Square Garden. See the Statue of Liberty… Hello, guys. It is me again. Today I was in Central Park in New York. It is huge. Tomorrow we are going to visit my dream-place Niagara Falls.

I can hardly wait to see it! Hello, guys. Look at this! Niagara Falls. It is amazing. The view from here is fantastic. We are going to take a boat trip to get as close as possible to the falls.

We are flying to Brazil next to visit the annual world- famous Brazilian festival. I am going to visit a parade and see the best samba schools. See you there.



Does Peter go to the party?

Peter doesnt go to the party

Does His schoolbag brown?

His schoolbag doesnt brown

Does Mary can ski?

Mary cant ski

Do we meet our friends?

we dont meet our friends

Does teacher hand out the books

Theacher doesnt hand out the books

Does Pat a cleverboy?

pat doesnt a cleverboy

Does monkey take a banana

Monkey doesnt take a banana

Does Tony hungry

Tony doesnt hungry

Does Tim has got brother

Tim doesnt got brother

Do They at Sarahs party

They dont at Sarahs party


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Кто знает ! paraphraze the following words and expressions and explain meanings. fellow citizens courtroom; prejudice, to deal thoroughly with the cases, to exempt from jury service; to meet some requirements; impartial decision; to be available for case; legal issues, common sense, to select at random, eligible for service; to have one's civil rights restored, to be excused from jury service; to accommodate a witness; delays during trial.
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