Мне скучно, поэтому сделаю все)
2.Lisa has broke her leg
3.The bus fare has gone up
4.Her English has improved
5.Dan has grown
6.The letter has arrived to me
7.The temperature has fallen
2.Yes,I've just saw her
3.He has already left
4.I don't know, I haven't read it yet
5.No,she has already saw the film
6.Yes,they've just arrived
7.We haven't told him yet
2. I'm afraid to gone out already
3.Wait a minute! I haven't finished yet
4.No,I've just done it
5.Have you found a place to live already?
6.I haven't decided yet
7.No,she has just came back
1) A, потому что там сказано mobile phones are an important part of our lives.
2) C, it comes in many colours and young children love it.
3) A, the idea is that the child can call their parents.
4) C, they think it's good idea for their children's safety.
5) B, that children's need to enjoy their childhood.
6) A, they say it's unnecessary and it can be dangerous for their health.
7) B, там сказали типо send us your comments, это тоже как to give an opinons.
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