The Slavic equivalent of Santa Claus is Ded Moroz, which is “Grandfather Frost” in English. He wears a long red, blue or silver coat and a rounded cap trimmed with white fur. He has a long white beard and walks with a long magic staff.
Ded Moroz brings presents to well-behaved children. Santa Claus rides a sleigh pulled by nine reindeer while Ded Moroz delivers gifts to children in a sleigh drawn by three horses. He does it on New Year's Eve rather than on Christmas Eve. Ded Moroz is often helped by Snegurochka. This girl is said to be his granddaughter. She helps Ded Moroz to distribute gifts.
The residence of Ded Moroz in Russia is in the town of Veliky Ustyug, Vologda Oblast. The residence of the Belarusian Dzyed Maroz is in Belavezhskaya Pushcha.
Ded Moroz is a symbol of winter, New Year and presents.
Славянским эквивалентом Санта Клауса является Дед Мороз. Он носит длинную красную, синюю или серебристую шубу и круглую шапку, отделанную белым мехом. У него длинная белая борода, и он ходит с длинным волшебным посохом.
Дед Мороз дарит подарки детям, которые ведут себя хорошо. Санта Клаус ездит в санях, запряженных девятью оленями, а Дед Мороз доставляет подарки детям на санях с запряженными тремя лошадьми. Он делает это в канун Нового года, а не в канун Рождества. Деду Морозу часто Снегурочка. Говорят, эта девушка — его внучка. Она Деду Морозу раздавать подарки.
Резиденция Деда Мороза в России находится в городе Великий Устюг Вологодской области. Резиденция белорусского "Дзеда Мароза" находится в Беловежской пуще.
Дед Мороз - символ зимы, Нового года и подарков.
1. Chocolate is made from the seeds of the tropical caco tree. It's sweet, tasty and generally delicious. The average Briton eats almost 10 kg of the stuff every year. The first British chocolate factory was set up in London in 1657. The English firm Cadbury has been making chocolate since 1831. Facts say that we will enjoy it for centuries and serious studies do to find the reasons of our chocolate passion. Chocolate can have a piace in a balanced diet but it doesn't contain many of the nutrients needed for a health lifestyle. So what is it that makes us to love sweets and chocolate and how much should we eat? Chocolate contains fat so it is recommended. It has the carbohydrates that you need to replace lost energy but rather than to eat sweets and chocolate you should eat bread and cereals. Chocolate is recommended as a treat, perhaps once or twice a week. It's high in fat and sugar so you shouldn't have it every day.
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