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Mother,bed,bear,deep,golden,please,white,eat,bathroom. Должно быть правильно

among many sportsmen i like lilia podkopayeva.  she was born in donetsk. she  began to go in for gymnastics in her  early childhood.  thanks to her talent and  hard work podkopaeva  won 45 gold, 21 silver and 14 bronze medals in international competitions.    she became an absolute champion of the world, an absolute champion of europe and  the absolute champion of the olympic games in atlanta.          after finishing her career  lilia podkopaev took public activities.    she founded the international charitable foundation "health generations" and  sports festival "golden lily".  her fans around the world dedicate her poems and songs and even make sculptures.  people all over the world admire    her talent, skills, hard work and charm.


      серед  багатьох спортсменів  мені подобається  лілія  подкопаєва.  вона народилася в  донецьку.  вона почала  займатися  гімнастикою  на її у ранньому дитинстві. завдяки  її таланту  та наполегливій  праціподкопаєва  завоювала  45 золотих,  21  срібну  і 14  бронзових  медалей наміжнародних змаганнях.  вона  стала абсолютною  чемпіонкою  світу,абсолютною  чемпіонкою  європи  і абсолютною  чемпіонкоюолімпійських  ігор у  атланті.              після  закінчення  кар'єри  лілія  подкопаєва  взялася  за  громадську діяльність.  вона заснувала  міжнародний  благодійний  фонд "здоров'я поколінь"  та  спортивний фестиваль  "золота  лілія".    її  прихильники увсьому світі  присвячують  їй вірші  і пісні,    навіть роблять  скульптури.люди в усьому  світі  захоплюються її  талантом,  вмінням,  працьовитістю  і чарівністю.

I am really fond of sport. I especially like tennis, swimming, skiing, basketball, and figure-skating. However, my favourite type of sport is football. I like both playing and watching it. Football is played in many countries, so I support foreign teams as well as the domestic ones. I know many great players of football. Among them, Maradona, Zidan, Arshavin, Totti, Maldini, Beckham, Cnatona, Messi, Vieri, but most of all I like Ronaldo. I like the way he plays and behaves. He seems to be not only talented but also a strong-willed guy. His full name is Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro. I know people who don’t like this Portuguese-born footballer but I adore him. He is considered to be the most expensive footballer of all times. To transfer from “Manchester United” team to Spanish “Real” he was paid more than 83 million pounds. Ronaldo was born on February the 5th, 1985 in Madeira neighborhood. He was the youngest child in a family and his father named him after the American President Ronald Reagan. His career in football started rather early. At the age of eight he already played for the amateur team “Andorinha”. When he turned ten, he signed his first contract with the local club “Nacional”. Today, Ronaldo is one of the best players in the world and he plays as a forward for the Spanish club “Real Madrid”. He is known to be mentally sharp, predicting certain plays, and having very good reactions. He was also the first player to win all main football awards. Apart from being a great player, Ronaldo often donates money and personal possessions to charity funds and people who are in need.

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