
Как сделать 8 стр.33 афанасьнва ? !

Английский язык


Афанасьева и Михеева?
Евгеньевич Балиловна1398
What can he say to us? 2. Where is your husband now? 3. Why are you breathing so hard? 4. How many students in UMI? 5. How much money is in the account of the Institute? 6. How often Mary and her sister come to visit parents in Greentown? 7. How long does it take for students to complete the test? 8. How often Lora late for work? 9. How did you hear the tenderness in his words? 10. What do you like to watch movies? 11.Kotorye your keys? 12. Which of the two evils? 13.Chey there is a beautiful scarf? 14. What books do you read on the program last year? 15. How long will the Browns family to prepare for the move? 16.Skolko years have you been together? 17. When the day of their marriage? 18. As so? 19. How much time do you have for me? 20. How much is it important? 21. When David returned to the office? 22. How far apart they live? 23. In a house of their new apartment? 24. To who do you turn to? 25. Who will start the report? 26. Which article are you reading now? 27. Whose there car parking? 28. When Michael should get tested? 29. How often have headaches Chris? 30.Pochemu you still awake? 31. How much energy in you in the evenings? 32. Which of the brothers in Moscow right now? 33. Who are you talking about coffee? 34. Who would like a slice of pizza?
1) a train controlled by automatic engine-driver; 2) the obtained result; 3) a  destroyed bridge; 4) machinery produced at our plant; 5) a proposed project; 6) equipment installed in the laboratory; 7) a tested method; 8) a terminal upgraded last year; 9) a railway built for high-speed passenger traffic; 10) a repaired section of track.

1. The first steam engine invented by James Watt was installed in a machine at a large mine to pump out the water. 

Первый паровой двигатель, изобретенный джеймсом ватом, был установлен на прибор в большой шахте для откачки воды

2. The mechanic said that he had replaced the broken part of the engine.

Механик сказал, что он заменил сломанную часть двигателя. 

3. When heated by sun, the rails become longer. 

Рельсы, нагретые солнцем, становятся длиннее.

4. This engine radically differs in both construction and operation from the engine designed five years ago. 

Этот двигатель очень отличается как в сборке, так и работе от двигателя, разработанного (произведенного) 5 лет назад.

5. The Disneyland train called the “Excursion” was built especially to carry visitors through the Grand Canyon Diorama.

Диснейлендовский поезд, названный "Экскурсия", был построен специально для перевозки посетителей через Диораму Большого Каньона 

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