in modern world a job plays a great part in our life. some people think that a profession should be the most important thing to care .work is not only object to think about. firstly, i am sure than any person can not be really happy without own family based on sincere feelings. love should be a priority value. a person who is making money but does not have any friends or a lover can not feel a sense of complete happiness. secondly, any person need some break from work to recover and distract from problems connected with job. on the other hand, for some people career is considered to be the most important thing because a life without work will become boring immediately. besides, a career helps people to realize themselves learns to achieve goals in any situation. however, i think that every person is able to develop and improve himself /herself not only with a job. there are a great number of other ways of self-cultivation. also, the ability to combine work and a private life correctly will make it rich and varied. it is not necessary to put the work in the first place to be a happy human. to sum up, work plays a great part for us but other aspects of life should not be forgotten either.
1. The Titanic sank in 1912. Somebody has stolen my bicycle! Now I'll have to walk home. Gerry fell off his bike three times this month. I've seen the movie Titanic three times. I'm going to see it again tonight. I walked to work every day for the last six weeks! She lived in Seoul. 9. 10. Jack, has cut my finger! I've lost my key yesterday, so I couldn't get into the house. Eventually, I I found it in my jacket pocket. His brother visited London last year. I've lived in Boston for the past 15 years.
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Переведите на язык: (без переводчиков) 1. она сама подоила нашу корову. 2. пора тебе работать усерднее. 3. если бы только денег было больше! 4. мы видели молнию неделю назад. 5. это самый быстрый автомобиль, который я когда-либо видел. 6. ты собираешься посадить картофель?
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