
Перевести на : на высоком берегу урала стоит памятник валерию чкалову, от этого памятника берет свое начало главная улица оренбурга, ул. советская. сам валерий павлович к оренбургу никакого отношения не имеет, но в 50-х годах оренбург переименовали в чкалов, и, естественно был установлен этот памятник .памятник установлен на пушкинском бульваре, отсюда открывается красивый вид на зауральную рощу.оренбуржцы страшно гордятся тем, что здесь когда-то был пушкин, и не важно, один день или два провел поэт в наших краях, главное был. три известных памятника в городе посвящены пушкину.

Английский язык


On the high bank of the Urals is a monument to Valery Chkalov, from this monument dates back to the main street in Orenburg, ul. Soviet. Valery himself to the Orenburg has nothing to do, but in the 50s Orenburg renamed Chkalov, and, of course, this monument was installed .Pamyatnik installed on Pushkin Boulevard, it offers a beautiful view of the Zauralnuyu roschu.Orenburzhtsy terribly proud to be here was once Pushkin, and it does not matter, one day or two spent a poet in our region, the main thing was. Three well-known monument in the city devoted to Pushkin. как-то так
1. I get up at six thirty in the morning on weekdays. But on Saturadey and Sunday and when I am on holidays I try to sleep longer.
2. When I get out of my bed I open cutains and do my morning exercises. It takes me about 7 to 10 minutes and then I go to the shower.
3. I have my breakfast at 7 o'clock. Usually I have a sandwich and a cup of coffee. I can't eat much in the morning. Sometimes I drink orange juice.
4. After breakfast I get dressed. It takes me about 40 minutes. And at about 8 o'clock I leave for school.
5. I live not far from school. So, I walk there. It takes me about 10 minutes to get to school.
6. I have a couple of friends at school. We spend much time together. Of course I would like to sit next to them. But our teachers make their own decision on how we should sit.
7. My classes finish at about 3 o'clock. After school I go for a walk with my friends and then go home for lunch. Usually I come home at about 4 o'clock.
8. If the weather is bad we don't walk and I go straight home. So, sometimes I come home half an hour earlier.
9. As soon as I get home I change, wash my hands and have lunch. I love eating soup for lunch. After lunch I do my homework.
10. We have many subjects at school and I have a lot of things to do. Every day I spend about 2 or 3 hours doing my homework.
11. As soon as it's done I am free and can watch television. Most of all I like different shows and serials. Usually I watch TV for an hour and a half. I can't say that I am a big fan of TV. I like reading books more.
12. My favourite programs are "Wheel of Fortune", "Voice" and "Grimm". The first two are shows and the third one is a serial.
13. After this I meet my friends. Sometimes we watch TV together and then go for a walk or just chat. We see each other every day but always have something to talk about.
14. We go for a walk to the park which is not far from my house. It's a nice and large park with a lot of trees and bushes. It's very green and the air is very fresh there.
15. When I grow up I would like to have my own business connected with health and beauty. Maybe, a gym or a beauty shop.
16. I like sleeping very much. So, I try to go to bed not too late to feel ok next day. Usually I go to bed at 10 o'clock.
17. Before going to bed I have light dinner, then go to shower and read a book. And of course I talk to my parents and we discuss everything happened today.
1)I am having a shower.AmI having a shower?I am not having a shower now.
2)She is cleaning a window.Is she cleaning a window?She isn't cleaning a window
3)He is taking a photograph.Is he taking a photograph?He isn't taking a photograph.
4)She is drivind a bus.Is she driving a bus?She isn't driving a bus.
5)She is plaing the piano.Is she playing the piano?She isn't playing the piano.
6)I am listening to music.Am I listening to music?I am not listening to music.
7)They are watching television.Are they watching television ?They aren't watching television.
8)You are singing a song.Are you singing a song?You aren't singing a song
9)I am writing a letter.Am I writing a letter?I am not writing a letter.
10)I am cooking my dinner. Am I cooking my dinner?I am not cooking my dinner
11)They are building a new hotel.Are they building a new hotel?They aren't building a new hotel
12)I am smoking a cigarette.Am I smoking a cigarette ?I am not smoking a cigarette

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Перевести на : на высоком берегу урала стоит памятник валерию чкалову, от этого памятника берет свое начало главная улица оренбурга, ул. советская. сам валерий павлович к оренбургу никакого отношения не имеет, но в 50-х годах оренбург переименовали в чкалов, и, естественно был установлен этот памятник .памятник установлен на пушкинском бульваре, отсюда открывается красивый вид на зауральную рощу.оренбуржцы страшно гордятся тем, что здесь когда-то был пушкин, и не важно, один день или два провел поэт в наших краях, главное был. три известных памятника в городе посвящены пушкину.
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