
B3 прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами а–g и заголовками 1–8. используйте каждую цифру только один раз. в есть один лишний заголовок. a. bath is a world famous city known for its thermal baths, which are a major tourist attraction. the city is situated in the southwest of england, near the country’s west coast and about 150 kilometres from london. bath is in the area of england that is known as somerset, a county bordered on the north by the bristol channel. b. the baths for which bath is known were built around the year 60. it was the romans who established the city as a spa. they did so about 20 years after they arrived in england. they constructed the baths, along with a temple, on a hillside near hot springs. over the next 300 years, structures would be added to the baths, making them grander. c. over the years, bath slowly became an important city. wealthy people began moving there in the 1500s. in 1767, construction began on the royal crescent, a group of buildings that form a semicircle and look out onto a park. the buildings were constructed in the georgian style. afterward, more buildings were built in the same style, giving bath the character it has today. d. bath is situated in the avon valley. the city is built on and surrounded by hills, which have a maximum height of 238 metres. the valley, which is about 18 metres above sea level, runs through the city centre. the river avon runs through this area, and because it is a low-lying area, the city sometimes suffers from floods during rainy seasons. e. presently, there are just over 80, 000 people living in the city itself. the greater region of bath, which includes nearby parts of somerset, has a total population of around 160, 000. the majority of people living in bath are of english birth, with just under 3% of people being from places outside the uk. a resident of bath is known as a bathonian. f. as it is located in the southwest of england, bath generally has winters that are warmer than other parts of the country. its summers are usually cool and rainy, and the temperature doesn’t go much over 20°celsius. average rainfall is 700 millimetres, which is spread out evenly throughout the seasons. its windiest period is in the winter, while summers tend to have light breezes. g. the city of bath has five theatres, and performances are put on by both national and international companies. there are also important concerts that take place in bath, as well as literature and film festivals. one such festival decides who in bath is that year’s greatest poet, singer or storyteller. these various events attract thousands of people to the city. a. bath is a world famous city known for its thermal baths, which are a major tourist attraction. the city is situated in the southwest of england, near the country’s west coast and about 150 kilometres from london. bath is in the area of england that is known as somerset, a county bordered on the north by the bristol channel. 1. the inhabitants of bath 2. tourism in bath 3. bath's architecture 4. climate in bath 5. location in the uk 6. the geography of bath 7. culture and the arts 8. bath's ancient history

Английский язык


1E. The inhabitants of Bath
3C. Bath's architecture
4F. Climate in Bath
5A. Location in the UK
6D. The geography of Bath
7G. Culture and the arts
8B. Bath's ancient history

Меня часто спрашивают, можно ли выучить английский самостоятельно, без преподавателя. На этот счет есть разные мнения: многие опытные преподаватели утверждают, что это невозможно (их можно понять, ведь они лишатся заработка, если все начнут учить языки самостоятельно), но есть и те, кто на своем опыте доказывает обратное.

Мое мнение на этот счет таково: большинство людей нуждается в преподавателе, чтобы по-настоящему овладеть иностранным языком, но при наличии определенных и при создании некоторых условий самостоятельное изучение английского языка вполне возможно. Со все понятно: как и любое другое серьезное занятие, изучение английского требует упорного труда, так что без терпения и самодисциплины тут не обойтись.


I like many works of Russian and foreign literature. Despite an impressive list of great writers of all times and peoples, for myself, I have long since chosen a favorite writer - this is M. Yu. Lermontov. Without a doubt, Lermontov is one of the most ingenious Russian writers, his works are distinguished by realism, topicality, they are relevant at all times.

Lermontov lived a very short life, but during this time he managed to create a huge number of brilliant works, he became an innovator, creating the first psychological novel in which he analyzed the personality of a person, where in one character he reflected the features of his contemporaries.

In many ways, the works of Lermontov are autobiographical, often he described his surroundings or events that occurred in his life.

It is known that M.Yu. Lermontov was a faithful fan of A.S. Pushkin, and in the early works of Lermontov, the imitation of Pushkin is especially noticeable.

I am especially admired by the characters created by Lermontov. They are strong-willed, purposeful, they remain faithful to their ideals to the end, they are unshakable. Lermontov masterfully created images that still excite the soul and hearts of readers.

Lermontov's works are very diverse, in some works I find motivation and a call to action, while others are able to cheer me up when I am sad.

The works of M.Yu. are very close to me. Lermontov, plunging into the reading of his works, I understand that I am not alone in this world, I observe the experiences of other people, I observe their actions, I see the contradictions that they experience.

I believe that the works of Lermontov teach people. I am inspired by his heroes, I also want to be strong in spirit and not to surrender to serious obstacles.

M.Yu. Lermontov is one of the most famous Russian writers and poets. His works must be read at any age, re-read, in order to discover new facets, new thoughts after reading. Lermontov writes so simply and elegantly, his legacy will always excite the minds of people.

Мне нравятся многие произведения русской и зарубежной литературы. Несмотря на впечатляющий список великих писателей всех времен и народов, лично для себя я давно выбрала любимого писателя – это М.Ю. Лермонтов. Без сомнений, Лермонтов – это один из гениальнейших русских писателей, его произведения отличает реализм, злободневность, они актуальны во все времена.

Лермонтов прожил весьма короткую жизнь, но за это время он успел создать огромное количество блестящих произведений, он стал новатором, создав первый психологический роман, в котором проанализировал личность человека, где в одном герое отразил черты современников.

Во многом произведения Лермонтова автобиографичны, зачастую он описывал свое окружение или события, которые происходили в его жизни.

Известно, что М.Ю. Лермонтов был верным  поклонником творчества А.С. Пушкина, а в ранних произведениях Лермонтова особенно заметно подражание Пушкину.

Меня особенно восхищают герои, созданные Лермонтовым. Они волевые, целеустремленные, они остаются до конца верны своим идеалам, они непоколебимы. Лермонтов мастерски создал образы, которые до сих пор волнуют душу и сердца читателей.

Произведения Лермонтова очень разноплановые, в каких-то произведениях я нахожу мотивацию и призыв к действию, другие же подбодрить меня, когда мне грустно.

Мне очень близки произведения М.Ю. Лермонтова, погружаясь в чтение его трудов, я понимаю, что я не одинока в этой мире, я наблюдаю за переживаниями других людей, наблюдаю за их поступками, вижу противоречия, которые они испытывают.

Я считаю, что труды Лермонтова поучают людей. Меня вдохновляют его герои, я тоже хочу быть сильной духом и не сдаваться перед серьезными препятствиями.

М.Ю. Лермонтов – один из известнейших писателей и поэтов России. Его произведения нужно читать в любом возрасте, перечитывать, чтобы открывать новые грани, новые мысли после прочтения. Лермонтов пишет так просто и изящно, его наследие всегда будет будоражить умы людей.

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B3 прочитайте тексты и установите соответствие между текстами а–g и заголовками 1–8. используйте каждую цифру только один раз. в есть один лишний заголовок. a. bath is a world famous city known for its thermal baths, which are a major tourist attraction. the city is situated in the southwest of england, near the country’s west coast and about 150 kilometres from london. bath is in the area of england that is known as somerset, a county bordered on the north by the bristol channel. b. the baths for which bath is known were built around the year 60. it was the romans who established the city as a spa. they did so about 20 years after they arrived in england. they constructed the baths, along with a temple, on a hillside near hot springs. over the next 300 years, structures would be added to the baths, making them grander. c. over the years, bath slowly became an important city. wealthy people began moving there in the 1500s. in 1767, construction began on the royal crescent, a group of buildings that form a semicircle and look out onto a park. the buildings were constructed in the georgian style. afterward, more buildings were built in the same style, giving bath the character it has today. d. bath is situated in the avon valley. the city is built on and surrounded by hills, which have a maximum height of 238 metres. the valley, which is about 18 metres above sea level, runs through the city centre. the river avon runs through this area, and because it is a low-lying area, the city sometimes suffers from floods during rainy seasons. e. presently, there are just over 80, 000 people living in the city itself. the greater region of bath, which includes nearby parts of somerset, has a total population of around 160, 000. the majority of people living in bath are of english birth, with just under 3% of people being from places outside the uk. a resident of bath is known as a bathonian. f. as it is located in the southwest of england, bath generally has winters that are warmer than other parts of the country. its summers are usually cool and rainy, and the temperature doesn’t go much over 20°celsius. average rainfall is 700 millimetres, which is spread out evenly throughout the seasons. its windiest period is in the winter, while summers tend to have light breezes. g. the city of bath has five theatres, and performances are put on by both national and international companies. there are also important concerts that take place in bath, as well as literature and film festivals. one such festival decides who in bath is that year’s greatest poet, singer or storyteller. these various events attract thousands of people to the city. a. bath is a world famous city known for its thermal baths, which are a major tourist attraction. the city is situated in the southwest of england, near the country’s west coast and about 150 kilometres from london. bath is in the area of england that is known as somerset, a county bordered on the north by the bristol channel. 1. the inhabitants of bath 2. tourism in bath 3. bath's architecture 4. climate in bath 5. location in the uk 6. the geography of bath 7. culture and the arts 8. bath's ancient history
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