
If you look from a helicopter at any english town, you will see that the residential areas consist of rows of small boxes, each with its own little patch of green. the principle, however, will be clear: the english all want to live in their own private houses with their own gardens. what you cannot see from your helicopter, you will learn as soon as you try to visit an english home. some humorists claim this is the result of ‘a conspiracy to mislead foreigners’, pointing out that our streets are never straight, every time a street bends, it is given a different name, there are at least 60 confusing synonyms for ‘street’. the house numbers are at least as well camouflaged as the street names. one taxi driver explained: ‘ an englishman’s home is his castle, right? we can’t actually have massive walls around it, but we can make it difficult to get to.’ the englishman’s home is much more than just his castle; it is also his identity and his prime obsession. the mania for home improvements is widespread. research shows that only 2% of english males and 12% of females have never done any do-it-yourself. working on home improvements is an opportunity to exercise our creative talents. although it may sometimes be an economic necessity, we see the arrangement, furnishing and decorating of our homes as an expression of our unique personal taste. may have its address and a map, but you will have great difficulty in finding the house you are looking for. b.or at least that’s how we like to think of it. c.this is an unwritten rule of home ownership and the moving-in ritual. d.they are either hidden, or even not there at all. better-off areas, these boxes will be further apart, and the green patches attached to them will be larger. f.this is why a house is not something you just passively ‘have’, it is something you constantly ‘work on’. 20 !

Английский язык


Тебе перевод?
Если посмотреть с вертолета на любом английском городе, Вы увидите, что жилые кварталы состоят из рядов маленьких коробочек, каждая со своей собственной маленькой патчзеленого. 1 принцип, однако, станет ясно: англичане все хотят жить в собственных частных домах с собственными садами.
Чего не видно из вашего вертолета, вы узнаете, как только вы попытаетесь перейти на английский дома. 2 некоторые юмористы утверждают, что это результат заговора, чтобы ввести в заблуждение иностранцев, указывая на то, что наши улицы не прямые, каждый раз, когда на улице загибается, ему присваивается другое имя, существует по крайней мере 60 путаете синонимы для "улицы".
Номера домов не менее хорошо маскируются, как названия улиц. 3 один таксист объяснил: ‘ дом англичанина-его крепость, верно? Мы не можем на самом деле иметь массивные стены вокруг него, но мы можем сделать это трудно, чтобы добраться до.’
Дом англичанина-это гораздо больше, чем просто его замок; он тоже его личности и его премьер-одержимость. 4 мания на обустройство дома широко распространено. Исследования показывают, что только 2% английских мужчин и 12% женщин никогда не делали ни Сделай-сам.
Работаем над улучшением дому-это возможность проявлять свои творческие таланты. 5 хотя иногда это может быть экономическая необходимость, мы видим обустройство, меблировка и украшения наших домов как выражение нашего уникального личного вкуса.

А. Вы можете иметь его адрес и карту, но вы будете иметь большие трудности в поиске дома вы ищете.
Б. или, по крайней мере, как нам нравится думать о нем.
C. это неписанное правило домовладения и движущейся-в ритуал.
Д. они либо скрыты, или даже не было вовсе.
Е. в более благополучных районах, эти коробки будут дальше друг от друга, и зеленые пятна, прикрепленные к ним будет больше.
Ф. вот почему дом не то, что вы просто пассивно "есть", это то, что вы работаете постоянно "вкл".
About my best friend

I want to tell about my best friend. His name is Anton. He is sixteen years old. We have been friends for more than ten years. We always help each other. And sometimes we have disagreement. But we soon forgive each other.
I met Anton and other three friends when came to school for the first time, we were in the same class. We spent a lot of time together, helped each other at lessons, went for a walk together.
Now we study in different schools. Anton goes to school № 53 and I study in lyceum № 2. For this reason we see each other rarely. But we always call and write to each other.
In his free time Anton goes to a sports center, he goes in for judo. In summer we often go to fishing together.  I love my friend.

Я хочу рассказать о моём лучшем друге. Его зовут Антон. Ему шестнадцать лет. Мы дружим больше, чем десять лет. Мы всегда друг другу. Иногда у нас есть разногласия. Но вскоре мы прощаем друг друга.
Я познакомился с Антоном и c другими тремя друзьями, когда пришёл первый раз в первый класс, мы были в одном классе. Мы проводили вместе много времени друг другу на уроках, гуляли вместе.
Теперь мы учимся в разных школах. Антон учится в пятьдесят третьей школе, я  учусь во втором лицее. По этой причине мы редко видимся. Но мы  всегда звоним и пишем друг другу.
В свободное время Антон ходит в  спортивный центр, он занимается дзюдо. Летом мы часто ездим на рыбалку.
Я люблю своего друга.
1) Общий:
Does our teacher know several foreign languages?
What does our teacher know?
Does our teacher know several foreign languages or just one language?
our teacher knows several foreign languages, does not She?
к подлежащемц:
who does know several foreign languages?

has he graduate from our university last year?
What has he graduate from
has he graduate from our university or school?
he has graduated from our university, has not he?
к подл:
who has graduated from ourи тд

shall we go to Samara next week
where shall we go
shall we go to Samara or sochi
we shall go to Samara next week ,shall not we?
к подл:
who shall go to Samara

4) общ
are they working in our gardens?
спец :where they are working
альт : are they working in our gardens or at home?
they are working, are not they?
к подл:
who are working

5) have I just read this book?
What have I just read?
have I just read a book or magazine?
I have just read this book , have not I
who have just read this book?

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

If you look from a helicopter at any english town, you will see that the residential areas consist of rows of small boxes, each with its own little patch of green. the principle, however, will be clear: the english all want to live in their own private houses with their own gardens. what you cannot see from your helicopter, you will learn as soon as you try to visit an english home. some humorists claim this is the result of ‘a conspiracy to mislead foreigners’, pointing out that our streets are never straight, every time a street bends, it is given a different name, there are at least 60 confusing synonyms for ‘street’. the house numbers are at least as well camouflaged as the street names. one taxi driver explained: ‘ an englishman’s home is his castle, right? we can’t actually have massive walls around it, but we can make it difficult to get to.’ the englishman’s home is much more than just his castle; it is also his identity and his prime obsession. the mania for home improvements is widespread. research shows that only 2% of english males and 12% of females have never done any do-it-yourself. working on home improvements is an opportunity to exercise our creative talents. although it may sometimes be an economic necessity, we see the arrangement, furnishing and decorating of our homes as an expression of our unique personal taste. may have its address and a map, but you will have great difficulty in finding the house you are looking for. b.or at least that’s how we like to think of it. c.this is an unwritten rule of home ownership and the moving-in ritual. d.they are either hidden, or even not there at all. better-off areas, these boxes will be further apart, and the green patches attached to them will be larger. f.this is why a house is not something you just passively ‘have’, it is something you constantly ‘work on’. 20 !
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