1937 - Nineteen and thirty seven 2001 - Twenty o one 1300 - One thousand and three hundred 1562 - Fifteen and sixty two 1901 - Ninety o one 1805 - Eighteen o five 1941 - Nineteen and fourty one 1735 - Seventeen and thirty five 2017 - Twenty and seventeen 2003 - Twenty o three 1200 - One thousand and two hundred 1439 - Fourteen and thirty nine 2010 - Twenty and ten 2012 - Twenty and twelve 1600 - One thousand and six hundred 1205 - twelve o five 2013 - twenty and thirteen 1822 - eighteen and twenty two 1717 - seventeen and seventeen
Дмитриевич Бирковская69
When i arrived at the airport that would fly to moscow i met a pretty girl 24 years i saw her passport at check it from america itself but fluent in russian, i decided to talk to her she is flying in the permian to friends she lawyer by profession and has been working for 2, she was dressed in a white blouse and a black vest in jeans and sneakers she carried with them souvenirs for friends and gave me a spoon with a picture of the statue of liberty, i decided to go for coffee and invited the girl she agreed and then she flew
Im Alina. I'm in the 4th grade. I get up at 7:00 every morning, I have breakfast and go to school. I come home from school at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I have dine at two o'clock. Then I do my homework. At 5 o'clock I play with friends on the playground. In the evening I watch TV and help my mother wash the dishes after supper. I go to bed at 9 o'clock. Я Алина. Я учусь в 4 классе. Я встаю в 7 часов каждое утро. Я завтракаю и иду в школу. я прихожу из школы в 1 час днем. Я обедаю в два часа. Потом я делаю мои домашние задания . В 5 часов я играю с друзьями на игровой площадке. Вечером я смотрю телевизор и маме мыть посуду после ужина. я ложусь спать в 9 часов .
2001 - Twenty o one
1300 - One thousand and three hundred
1562 - Fifteen and sixty two
1901 - Ninety o one
1805 - Eighteen o five
1941 - Nineteen and fourty one
1735 - Seventeen and thirty five
2017 - Twenty and seventeen
2003 - Twenty o three
1200 - One thousand and two hundred
1439 - Fourteen and thirty nine
2010 - Twenty and ten
2012 - Twenty and twelve
1600 - One thousand and six hundred
1205 - twelve o five
2013 - twenty and thirteen
1822 - eighteen and twenty two
1717 - seventeen and seventeen