Even from an early age people need to watch their health, since even a slight harm received throughout life, accumulate. And when one gets old, all his mistakes made in his youth, affected his health. Each of us wants to be healthy and not want to get sick, but not everyone realizes that health should be protected and then these people in front begin to smoke, drink and use drugs. Most importantly, these people understand that to quit a bad habit we need for ourselves. For vision healthy issinuomoti adheres to simple rules. Need more walk in the fresh air, more often ventilate the apartment every morning to do exercises or engage in light sports. Thus, we will maintain your body in good shape, and prevent a number of diseases and extra weight. Another not unimportant factor of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is beneficial proper diet. Always observe the meal. In your diet try to eat natural and healthy food. For example, I try to eat less fast food, fried and smoked food. Also I try not to eat foods with preservatives and dyes: drinks, chips, etc. But sometimes I get the urge to eat them, but I understand that not all delicious foods are healthy and the opposite happens and harmful. Then I try to replace such foods with fresh fruits and natural foods that are also delicious and extra healthy.
I live in Russia. It's a very big country and there are different kinds of flora and fauna in it. The most common plant that is associated with my country is a birch tree. These trees are very beautiful as they have a number of attractive qualities, like colored bark and long branches. They can grow very high. I think that these trees grow nearly everywhere in central and southern parts of Russia. Another common plant is oak which is also associated with Russia and grows everywhere on its territory. As for common animals, they are foxes, wolves, hares, squirrels and bears. They live in the forests and sometimes in the fields. In water we can see different fish and in the noth of the country we can find some mammals like seal, walrus and whale. There are also a lot of birds both sonhgbirds(nightingale, starling,canary and many more) and waterbirds (duck, swan, goose) that inhabit the territory of our country. Some animals have become symbols of Russia and Russian cities anв towns-as an example we can name bear.
Читайте и подбирайте слова жирным шрифтом, цены. в сша,дети обожают бегать в гонках.на спартакиаде дети принимают участие в сериях интересных гонок. бег в мешках-это популярные - бег в мешок, чтобы пробежать дистанцию.это большое удовольствие! там же мяч и бег с ложками - победитель является первым, чтобы закончить с мячом еще на ложке! еще один любимый трехногий гонки.в этой гонке,двух людей связать ноги вместе, чтобы запустить.это не так просто, как кажется! исправьте предложения. 1.на парк-день детей короля принять участие иин много веселья гонок. 2.они в мешок и ползти. 3.есть также блюдо и ложка гонки. 4.еще одним фаворитом является четвероногим