two hundred eighty-seven thousand three hundred fifty-s
sixty-three thousand seven hundred thirty-nine
three hundred sixty-six seven million three hundred sixty-two thousand nine hundred two seven hundred forty-six million eight hundred twenty-nine thousand seventy-six
Jack used to wake up early. on monday he woke up at 6 hours. the sun was shining. in the garden birds were singing. after breakfast jack drive on his car to railway station. he was going to get a train at 8 oclock. the road to railway station was free and jack was driving very fast. he was listening music on a radio. suddenly, deer ran out on the road. jack was shocked. he stopped his car and for his fortune it wasn't any accident and the deer ran into the forest. jack continued a way. when he parked car, his phone rang. after talking with friend jack got into the train. he took a place near windows and began reading fresh newspaper, but before he had a habit of sleeping.
"the baby boom" doesn't help: working hands is getting smaller demographic statistics in russia resembles the statistics of the war period: the population is shrinking every year 700 thousand people. mortality is twice that in developed countries, and life expectancy among men is the lowest in the world, 60 years. now if in the country of 142 million people, by 2050 there may remain only 100 million vladimir putin in 2000 indicated that the population decline threatens the very existence of russia. six years later he increased support for mothers and offered a premium for the birth of her second child. the birth rate began to rise, but the mortality rate has not declined, as did not increase lifespan. putin cheered and said that in the next three to four years the country will be able to stabilize the demographic situation. in fact, reasons for optimism are few, and to achieve this goal, increasing the population of the russian federation up to 145 million people, it is impossible, experts say. the head of the center for demography and human ecology anatoly vishnevsky says that one of the "baby boom" does not mean anything: it's possible that people decide to have children now, while this form of the prize, but in the long term the total number of children in families will not increase. the middle class will not tempt the cash payments. scientists attribute the current surge in the birth rate that matured and began to start families, many children of the 1980-ies. but the next generation of parents will be much fewer in number. "in the next few years we will see a sharp decline in the birth rate," warns wisniewski. at the same time, the mortality rate will rise - there will come a time to die post-war generation of children.
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sixty-three thousand seven hundred thirty-nine
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seven million three hundred sixty-two thousand nine hundred two
seven hundred forty-six million eight hundred twenty-nine thousand seventy-six