
Написать небольшой рассказ о том ка какого жить далеко от семьи или легко ли жить вдали от семьи

Английский язык


Привет! Вот ответ!
Hi! You someday it was long away from family?
To be honest it is difficult. We without family 1 second can not.
i think that the moments witch family, more important other than.
love your family ... take care of its family ..
Привет! Вы когда нибудь были далеко  от семьи?
Если честно, это очень трудно! Мы не можем без своей семьи ни секунды! Я считаю что, каждые моменты с семьей важнее чем с другими) Любите свою семью Берегите свою семью...

Надеюсь правильно)
Yevgeniya Bessonov
BiographyAbai Kunanbaev (1845-1904). Abay was born in 1845 at the bottom of the Chingiz Mountain in the today's Abai district (former Karkaraly) located in Eastern Kazakhstan region (formerly, the Semipalatinsk region).

He was a well-known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first classic.

The heritage he left his nation is rich in songs and poems, translations and prose. His translations of the poetry written by Russian writers and poets such as Pushkin, Lermontov, and Krylov became the national patrimony of Kazakhstan. He translated the works of Schiller, Goethe, and Byron into Kazakh language.

«Kara Sozder» [Book of Words] (prose) created by the great thinker constitute an ethnic philosophical work. This creation of his is an exploration of Kazakh national life in the second half of the 19th century. He influenced social affairs in the country where he lived.

He also participated in the governing of the country and played a certain role in trying to solve complicated problems justly.

The name of Abai is known worldwide just as Shakespeare, Goethe, and Pushkin are well-known in many countries, because his great words became a spiritual patrimony of not only one nation, but of the entire humankind. 
Abay (Ibrahim) Qunanbayuli  was born in 1845 at the bottom of the Chingiz Mountain in the today's Abay district (former Karkaraly) located in Eastern Kazakhstan region (formerly, the Semipalatinsk region).
He was a well-known Kazakh poet, a great thinker, composer, philosopher, the founder of written Kazakh literature, and its first classic.  He was also a cultural reformer toward European and Russian cultures on the basis of enlightened Islam.

The heritage he left his nation is rich in songs and poems, translations and prose. His translations of the poetry written by Russian writers and poets such as Pushkin, Lermontov, and Krylov became the national patrimony of Kazakhstan. He translated the works of Schiller, Goethe, and Byron into Kazakh language.
«Qara Sözder» [Book of Words] created by the great thinker constitute an ethnic philosophical work. This creation of his is an exploration of Kazakh national life in the second half of the 19th century. He influenced social affairs in the country where he lived.
He also participated in the governing of the country and played a certain role in trying to solve complicated problems justly.
The name of Abay is known worldwide just as Shakespeare, Goethe, and Pushkin are well-known in many countries, because his great words became a spiritual patrimony of not only one nation, but of the entire humankind.

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