1) John often ... (sends) e-mail letters to his friends abroad.
2) Paul ... (is writing) an e-mail letter to his friend in Canada now.
3) Margaret ... (is looking) for a better job at the moment.
4) We... (attend) language courses three times a week.
5) The secretary ... (is) busy now. She ... (is preparing) the documents for the conference.
6) My elder brother ... (is always making fun) of me!
7) The professor ... (is not examining) patients now. He ... (is giving) a lecture to the students at the moment. He usually ... (examines) the patients in the morning.
8) The article ... (contains) the results of important researches in medicine.
9) You never ... (tell) me about your problems at school. I'm a bit surprised that you ... (are asking) me for a piece of advice now.
10) Most oils .. (boil) at 200-300 C.
11) Are the musicians... (having) lunch now? - No, they aren't. They ... (are rehearsing) in the assembly hall. They ... (are performing) some new songs at the concert tomorrow.
12) Do doctors ... (use) antibiotic drugs to fight viruses? - No, antibiotic drugs ... (do not work) against viruses. Doctors usually ... (prescribe) antibiotics against bacterial infections.
13) Max (is always playing) pranks on his classmates!
14) Are you ... (waiting) for a ferry? - Yes, we are. The ferry ... (arrives) at four o'clock.
15) Are Peter and Tim ... (going) fishing next Thursday? - Yes, they are. They often ... (go) fishing together. And they always ... (invite) me to join them.
1. The financial plan establishes (a) the connection of expenditure with income, and with the major production indices (b) of the work of enterprises (b). - Финансовый план устанавливает связь расходов с доходами, а также с основными производственными показателями работы предприятий.
2. The balance sheet shows (a) all the needs (b) of working capital and the sources (b). - Баланс показывает все потребности оборотных средств и источников.
3. The special character of agricultural production directly influences (a) the structure and contents (b) of the working capital of state farms (b). - Особый характер сельскохозяйственного производства напрямую влияет на структуру и состав оборотных средств совхозов.
4. State enterprises (b) receive grants (b) for financing projects (b). - Государственные предприятия получают гранты на финансирование проектов.
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I like to invite my friends to parties.(Мне нравится приглашать моих друзей на вечеринки)
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