Я живу в Москве, в районе Химки. У нас есть универмаг «Липпулайва», а в нём – детский парк, в котором много аттракционов: трамплин, кривое зеркало, горка для лазанья, горка для катания, стена для лазания, «стрелялки» и игровые автоматы.
Я хожу туда почти каждую неделю по вторникам, потому что тогда продают два билета за одну цену. Мои самые любимые аттракционы – трамплин и надувная горка. Я провожу в детском парке два часа, и они пролетают незаметно. Я хожу туда со своей подругой, и нам там бывает очень весело. Когда нам становится жарко, мы покупаем фанту и иногда попкорн.
I live in Moscow, near the front of Khimki . We have a department store "Lippulayva", and in it - a children's park, which has many attractions: a springboard, distorting mirror, hill climbing, hill for skiing, climbing wall, "shooter" and slot machines.
I go there almost every week on Tuesdays, because then sell two tickets for one price. My favorite rides - trampoline and inflatable slide. I am in the children's park for two hours, and they pass by. I go there with my girlfriend and we were there is a lot of fun. When it becomes hot, we buy Fanta and sometimes popcorn.
A cafe called Bogli was located on Eighth Avenue. This room was a modest place for lunch. Two girls worked there. One of them was called Helen, she was a tall, slim and beautiful girl. And the second is Tilda. Suppose she was not very attractive appearance, but both of them were the best friends. Often visitors came to see Helen. After all, she was very pleasant and sociable. Many men dreamed that she would pay attention to them. One man even gave Helen a puppy, and a golden ring. There was no such attention to Tilda, because she herself worked for pleasure. One day a man came to their place. His name was Mr. Siders. He was tall and thin. He understood that Helen would not pay attention to him, so being in a drunken state he hugged Tilda, and even kissed him. Tilda blushed from shock, and this mysterious man left. After this visit, Tilda realized that she could be loved. Suppose she does not have a beautiful appearance, but this kiss gave her strength. When Helen found out about this, she said, "Why did they notice you"
Tilda was waiting for him, but he did not come. One day he came and apologized for this incident. He said that he had gone over a little with alcohol, so he went to this act. And Tilda began to cry, because for her, this kiss was important. This case changed Tilda for the better. After all, if it were not for this mister, then Tilda would not love herself.
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