
Задать 10 вопросов к тексту as it is known the theory of radio receiving devices was worked out by the russian scientist v. siforov. but it is a. popov who invented and demonstrated the first radio receiving set. since that time radio devices have been improving and perfecting. the receiver performs the function of converting the current in the receiving antenna into the intelligence contained in the transmission. the main parameters of radio receivers are sensitivity, selectivity and fidelity. sensitivity is a measure of the receiver's ability to receive weak signals, as it is known that the farther an electromagnetic wave travels, the weaker is its energy. selectivity is the ability of the receiver to reject undesirable signals. fidelity is a measure of the receiver's ability to reproduce clearly audio-frequency currents, which are in accordance with the modulation envelope of the received signals. however simple the radio receiver may be, it includes an antenna, an input tuning circuit, a detector and a pair of earphones. the principle of operation of the radio receiver is not very difficult understand. the electromotive force is impressed upon the receiving antenna and produces a current, this current is a reproduction of the current of the transmitting antenna.there are various types of receivers, communication and broadcast receivers being the principal types of them. communication receivers are used in radio telephone and telegraph service, broadcast receivers finding application for the reception of sound and visual programms. wherever radio receivers were applied, they must meet an important requirement as reliability in operation.

Английский язык


1 Who worked out the theory of radio receiving devices?
2 What did A. Popov invent?
3 How did the invention affect radio devices?
4 What are the main parameters of radio receivers?
5 Does sensitivity mean a measure of the receiver's ability to receive weak signals?
6 Which parameter means the ability of the receiver to reject undesirable signals?
7 What does fidelity mean?
8 The principle of operation of the radio receiver is not very difficult understand, is it?
9  Are there various types of receivers?
10 Where are used communication receivers?
11 Are broadcast receivers used  in radio, telephone and telegraph service or in sound and visual programms?
The French toast

Quantity of portions: 4
Caloric content: 300 kcal
Cholesterol: 56 mg


* 2 egg whites
* 1 egg
* 0,5 cups of skim milk (1 %)
* 0,5 teaspoons of vanilla
* Salt
* 2 teaspoons of margarine or oil
* 8 pieces цельнозернового bread
* the Fresh bilberry, a blackberry, a raspberry (at will)


1. Preliminary warm up an oven to 200 degrees. Shake up egg whites, egg, milk, vanilla and a salt teaspoon. In a small frying pan растомите 1 teaspoon of margarine.

2. Dip bread slices in the shaken up mix so that it is good to cover both parties. Fry bread on a frying pan to golden colour (6-8 minutes).

3. To keep the roasted bread hot, hold it in разогретой furnaces while will fry other slices. Submit a toast with a syrup or fresh berries.

Французский тост

Количество порций: 4
Калорийность: 300 ккал
Холестерин: 56 мг


* 2 яичных белка
* 1 яйцо
* 0,5 чашки обезжиренного молока (1%)
* 0,5 чайной ложки ванили
* Соль
* 2 чайные ложки маргарина или масла
* 8 кусков цельнозернового хлеба
* Свежая черника, ежевика, малина (по желанию)


1. Предварительно разогрейте духовку до 200 градусов. Взбейте яичные белки, яйцо, молоко, ваниль и чайную ложку соли. В небольшой сковороде растомите 1 чайную ложку маргарина.

2. Обмакните кусочки хлеба во взбитой смеси, так, чтобы хорошо покрыть обе стороны. Обжарьте хлеб на сковороде до золотистого цвета (6-8 минут) .

3. Чтобы сохранить поджаренный хлеб горячим, держите его в разогретой печи пока будете обжаривать другие кусочки. Подавайте тост с сиропом или свежими ягодами.

NGREDIENTS:  60 ml (1/4 cup) olive oil, 60ml (1/4 cup) fresh lemon juice, 2 garlic cloves,  1 tbs honey, 1 tsp ground cumin, 1 tsp mild paprika, 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon, 3 carrots, 1 bunch radish, 1 cup fresh mint leaves

1.Chop the garlic finely.2. Whisk oil, lemon juice, garlic, honey, cumin, paprika, and cinnamon in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper.3. Peel and slice the carrot and the raddish thinly.

4. Combine the carrot and radish in a large bowl.

5. Add dressing and torn mint leaves to the salad. Toss to combine. Serve.

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Задать 10 вопросов к тексту as it is known the theory of radio receiving devices was worked out by the russian scientist v. siforov. but it is a. popov who invented and demonstrated the first radio receiving set. since that time radio devices have been improving and perfecting. the receiver performs the function of converting the current in the receiving antenna into the intelligence contained in the transmission. the main parameters of radio receivers are sensitivity, selectivity and fidelity. sensitivity is a measure of the receiver's ability to receive weak signals, as it is known that the farther an electromagnetic wave travels, the weaker is its energy. selectivity is the ability of the receiver to reject undesirable signals. fidelity is a measure of the receiver's ability to reproduce clearly audio-frequency currents, which are in accordance with the modulation envelope of the received signals. however simple the radio receiver may be, it includes an antenna, an input tuning circuit, a detector and a pair of earphones. the principle of operation of the radio receiver is not very difficult understand. the electromotive force is impressed upon the receiving antenna and produces a current, this current is a reproduction of the current of the transmitting antenna.there are various types of receivers, communication and broadcast receivers being the principal types of them. communication receivers are used in radio telephone and telegraph service, broadcast receivers finding application for the reception of sound and visual programms. wherever radio receivers were applied, they must meet an important requirement as reliability in operation.
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