
Порядок слов в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. исправьте порядок слов. где необходимо. 1. has developed he a new design of this machine? 2. will have she written the report by monday? 3. is she conducting the experiment? 4. i don’t use computers in my work. 5. he wasn’t doing the calculations when the professor came. 6. will you test your construction next week? 7. she had left the laboratory before the work was finished? 8. your theory is based on careful observations? 9. should start you your work at laboratory in the morning? 10. we can’t control this research without a computer. 11. didn’t we solve the problem two days ago. 12. doesn’t she apply new methods of calculations.

Английский язык


1-Has he developed a new design of this machine?
2-Will she have written the report by Monday?
3-Is she conducting the experiment?
4-I don't use computers in my work
5-He was doing the calculations when the professor came.
6-Will you test your construction next week?
7-Had she left the laboratory before the work was finished?
8-Is your theory based on careful observations?
9-Should you start your work at laboratory in the morning?
10-We cant control this research without a computer.
11-Didnt we solve the problem two days ago? Или We didn't solve the problem two days ago. (Смотря если вопрос или отрицательное предложение)
12- She doesn't apply new methods of calculations.

1) How many years has John been working for this company? или (How long)

2) I don't know exactly, but when I began to work here, he had been working here for 3 years already.

3) When did you phone to Moscow?

4) I haven't phoned there yet.

5) Our students are writing the test in English, we have been writing it for 2 hours.

6) But we have done only 5 tasks.

7) When I entered the classroom, my friends had already been there.

8) They had been sitting there for 10 minutes but the teacher hadn't come by that time yet.

Шавкат кызы

I like travelling. When I arrive in place, I usually look round a town. Then I'm searching for a place to stay, a hotel for example. After this I buy a map of the place, because I want to see as many sights as possible. I think it's very interesting to visit museums in other counties, go to the theatre, walk in the parks there, to enjoy traditional meal in cafes. At last I buy souvenirs and call my fiends. Usually I have a good time, when I visit foreign counties.
Сложно все уместить в 5-6 предложений. но в общем как-то так) 

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Порядок слов в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях. исправьте порядок слов. где необходимо. 1. has developed he a new design of this machine? 2. will have she written the report by monday? 3. is she conducting the experiment? 4. i don’t use computers in my work. 5. he wasn’t doing the calculations when the professor came. 6. will you test your construction next week? 7. she had left the laboratory before the work was finished? 8. your theory is based on careful observations? 9. should start you your work at laboratory in the morning? 10. we can’t control this research without a computer. 11. didn’t we solve the problem two days ago. 12. doesn’t she apply new methods of calculations.
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