
15 кратко написать есе по но можна и на прочитав ниже не большую статью нужно высказать свои мысли a father was jailed last week for restraining his daughter. george trimble was jailed for a few hours last week for physically trying to prevent his 15-year-old daughert susie from going to see her boyfriend. he held her by the wrist, but she managet to escape. later, she told the police he'd assaulted her, and he was held at the station for questioning. susie has now dropped the assault charges and the family is trying to patch things up.

Английский язык



Reading this article, I caught myself thinking I don't have enough information to evaluate the situation and judge any of the participants.  Who is this boyfriend? Maybe it is the right thing to keep that girl from him. Or how can I trust things this girl is telling or her dad is telling if I don't know this family and their background. Maybe she is telling the truth and she suffers assault every day and her family just makes her drop charges.

However, I guess, in general, child's abuse and assault is definitely not the right way to raise a healthy and happy kid.

It doesn't matter what kind of abuse really. Physical, emotional or any other, it can mess up one's life pretty badly. Kids who suffer abuse are often blamed for their parent's inability to control their frustration and anger. These kids are constantly told that they are bad. And I think it leads to low self-esteem, as time goes kids start to believe that they are evil and no good. Adults should be able to control their emotions and not take their anger on kids, even if those kids don't behave they are expected to behave.

In the situation, like in this article, if there is no danger for the young girl from this boyfriend of hers, then it is better to give her some freedom and let her make her own mistakes and gain some experience. 


Надеюсь не очень длинно 


1 a

2 b

3 b

4 c

5 b

6 b

7 b

8 a

9 c

10 b

1. Определите время сказуемого и переведите предложения.

a. Did you visit your parents on Sunday?

Past Simple. Ты навещал своих родителей в воскресенье?

b. At present the boys are playing chess.

Present Continuous. В настоящее время мальчики играют в шахматы.

c. Mike knows French rather well.

Present Simple. Майк знает французский довольно хорошо.

d. My brother will join us next weekend.

Future Simple. Мой брат присоединится к нам на следующей неделе.

e. We will be watching TV the whole evening.

Future Continuous. Мы будем смотреть телевизор весь вечер.

2. Составьте общий вопрос к предложению и дайте краткий утвердительный или отрицательный ответ.

a. Does the sun shine brightly in summer? Yes, it does.

b. Were the students writing their papers the whole lesson? No, they weren't.

c. Is Sam developing his new computer program at present? Yes, he is.

d. Will our specialists be testing your machine from ten till twelve? Yes, they will.

e. Am I typing a contract now? No, I am not.

3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужное время, переведите предложения.

a. Whom is Peter speaking to at the moment? С кем Питер говорит в данный момент?

b. These tourists will continue their way in some hours. Эти туристы продолжат свой путь через несколько часов.

c. Listen, somebody is playing the piano. Послушай, кто-то играет на пианино.

d. Do you know his new address? Ты знаешь его новый адрес?

e. Where are your children? They are laying in the sun. Где твои дети? Они лежат на солнце.


1. It WAS very cold yesterday.

2. When DID you MEET him?

3. I HAVEN'T SEEN him since 2007.

4. How many mushrooms HAVE you GATHERED?

5. Where HAVE you PUT the newspaper? I want to read it, but cannot find it anywhere.

6. The new school BEGAN working last year.

7. At last I HAVE DONE all my homework: now I shall go out.

8. The building of the house BEGAN early in April.

9. The rain HAS STOPPED but a cold wind is still blowing.

10. We HAVE already SOLVED the problem.

11. He CAME a moment ago.

12. I HAVE never SPOKEN to him.

13. He HAS just FINISHED his work.

14. HAVE You MADE any spelling mistakes in your dictation?

15. What books DID you READ when you LIVED in the country?

16. They HAVEN'T COME from the south YET.

17. He WAS ill last week, but now he HAS RECOVERED

18. If everybody HAS READ this new novel, let's discuss it.

19. HAVE You BOOKED tickets? — Yes, I HAVE.. I BOOKED them several days ago.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

15 кратко написать есе по но можна и на прочитав ниже не большую статью нужно высказать свои мысли a father was jailed last week for restraining his daughter. george trimble was jailed for a few hours last week for physically trying to prevent his 15-year-old daughert susie from going to see her boyfriend. he held her by the wrist, but she managet to escape. later, she told the police he'd assaulted her, and he was held at the station for questioning. susie has now dropped the assault charges and the family is trying to patch things up.
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