We have to do our homework. We have to listen our techers and parents. We have to come to school in time. We have to help each other. We have to follow the laws.
We could eat what we want. We could fail again. Maybe we could have a picnic,or play ball. They could function without him. Our teacher can be strict,when we are not visiting the school.
I might stay. Tom might stay. It might help. It might rain. They might go.
I will do my homework soon. I will go to school tomorrow. I will start the journey in a week. We will meet our grandparents tomorrow. I will read a book in a month.
Have/must to ~ I have to exercise. I must draw this flower. I have to learn how to dance. I must be a good student. I must help my parents. Should ~ I should clean my room. We should help each other. He should do his homework. She should be nicer. I should be more positive. Can/could ~ I can do a backflip. You can draw a spaceship. She can sing like Madonna. I could dance perfectly. We can do anything. May/might ~ You may look at my notes. I might of forgotten about your birthday. We may begin. She might be a gymnast. You may be weird around me. Will/would ~ I will learn French. You will do this project. She will write an essay. We will win this competition. Would you mind?
Я хочу рассказать жуткую историю. Однажды ночью мне показалось что в моей комнате есть кто-то кроме меня. Я открыл глаза и увидел у окна тень. Она была очень высокая, худая и протягивала ко мне руки. Мне стало страшно и я закричал так громко как только мог. Я сидел на кровати и кричал. Вдруг в комнату вбежали мои родители. Они были очень напуганы. Папа включил свет, и я перестал кричать. Оказывается, днем мама принесла из зала в мою комнату огромную пальму в большом горшке и поставила ее за штору. Ночью была полная луна и мне показалось, что это женщина... Мне никогда не было так страшно как в ту ночь
I would like to tell you a horrible story. One night it seemed to me that there was someone besides me in my room. I opened my eyes and saw a woman's shade at the window . She was very tall, thin and she stretched out her arms to me. I was scared and I screamed so loud as I could. I was sitting on the bed and crying. Suddenly my parents ran into my room. They were very frightened. Dad turned on the light, and I stopped screaming. It turned out that in the afternoon, my mother brought a huge palm tree in a large pot from the hall into my room and she put it behind the curtains. That night there was full moon, and it seemed to me that it was a woman... I have never been so bad as that night
1)Тебе надо садиться на автобус, чтобы доехать до работы, не так ли? Да, надо. Добираться слишком далеко. 2)Твой коллега не обязан звонить менеджеру фабрики, не так ли? Нет, не должен. 3)Мы же не должны отвечать на все эти письма, не так ли? Нет, конечно же. 4)Она же не должна бросать плавание, не так ли? Боюсь, что должна. Так говорит доктор.
1)По каким дням тебе нужно рано вставать? По средам и Пятницам. 2)Почему мы должны оставаться в офисе так поздно? Очень много работы сегодня. 3)Почему твоя жена тратит столько времени на приготовление пищи? Она не тратит. Она просто любит готовить. Это ее хобби.
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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Составить предложения с модальными глаголоми : 5 предложений с must/have to, 5 предложений should, 5 предложений can/could, 5 предложений may/might, 5 предложений will/would. нужно, заранее огромное .
We have to listen our techers and parents.
We have to come to school in time.
We have to help each other.
We have to follow the laws.
We could eat what we want.
We could fail again.
Maybe we could have a picnic,or play ball.
They could function without him.
Our teacher can be strict,when we are not visiting the school.
I might stay.
Tom might stay.
It might help.
It might rain.
They might go.
I will do my homework soon.
I will go to school tomorrow.
I will start the journey in a week.
We will meet our grandparents tomorrow.
I will read a book in a month.