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Общий : Are you a booklover?
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He was there, wasn't he?
Вопрос к подлежащему:
Who is the booklover?
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Mushroom cream soup — грибной суп-пюре  

Chicken broth — куриный бульон

Fish soup — рыбный суп

Miso soup — мисо-суп

Vegetable soup — овощной суп

Goulash soup — суп-гуляш

Caesar salad (with shrimp, chicken, salmon) — салат Цезарь (с креветками, курицей, семгой)  

Greek salad — Греческий салат

Prawn cocktail — салат-коктейль из креветок  

Garden fresh salad — салат из свежих овощей

Platter (cheese, fruit, fish, meat) — тарелка-ассорти (сырная, фруктовая, рыбная, мясная)

Carpaccio from beef tenderloin — карпаччо из сырой говяжьей вырезки

Seafood pasta — паста с морепродуктами

Tiramisu — Тирамису

Homemade apple tart — домашний яблочный пирог  

Cherry pie — вишневый пирог

Chocolate brownie — шоколадный брауни

Ice-cream — мороженое  

Vanilla pudding — ванильный пудинг  

Coffee — кофе

Americano — американо

Cappucino — капучино

Latte — латте

Cocoa — какао

Still water — вода без газа

Sparkling water — вода с газом

Juice — сок

Milkshake — молочный коктейль

Lemonade — лимонад

Wine — вино

Semi-sweet wine — полусладкое вино

Semi-dry wine — полусухое вино

Sparkling wine — игристое вино


Unhealthy food

We all know that harmful foods are foods with high cholesterol. It is deposited in the body in the form of slags, it damages the body. The person starts to hurt more and quickly grows old. Leaders in the content of cholesterol fat, butter, sour cream, cheese, meat, liver, eggs.

Harmful to eat food, with high protein content. Many proteins are found in meat, cottage cheese, cheese, eggs, soy.

Pay more attention to the fish. This is a more useful product than meat.
Tasty and healthy fish - 5 useful tips for cooking.

Harmful animal fats, which get into the stomach begin to rot. The body becomes weakened and susceptible to various diseases, cell regeneration slows down. The situation worsens if with meat you eat potatoes, pasta, cereals, bread ...

Substitutes for natural products. Instead of butter-margarine, instead of meat - sausages, soy, products with a high content of preservatives (with an extended shelf life), canned goods. Harmful food is also roasted, especially with a brown crust. These products can contribute to the development of cancerous tumors.

Salt is not digested and promotes the accumulation of fluid in the body and has a harmful effect on the kidneys and bladder. On the part of utility - has no value, on the contrary, removes from the body the necessary calcium. When salt is consumed, the pressure rises, the work of the heart, vessels and gastrointestinal tract worsens.

Refined sugar disrupts metabolism, leads to the accumulation of excessive weight, the body wears out more quickly. Like salt, it neutralizes calcium and minerals in the body. Particularly harmful in combining with fats (ice cream, cakes) and yeast (products from yeast dough).

 Healthy food

Healthy foods are foods that contain antioxidants with bioflavonoids that reduce the harm caused by fatty foods. Also useful products, with pronounced coloring: blueberries, pomegranate, black grapes, cherries, cherries, currants, viburnum, mountain ash, raspberries, strawberries, strawberries, cranberries, cranberries, grapefruit, beets, tomatoes, apples, sea buckthorn, red cabbage, eggplant , salad, spinach and other greens.

Remember that the maximum amount of antioxidants is in the skin, bones and bark of plants. Sprouted wheat, beans, peas are also very useful. Do not forget about cocoa, tea, garlic, onions and nuts. They will help to maintain beauty and health.

In addition to antioxidants, fresh fruits and vegetables contain fiber, which stimulates digestion and helps to remove from the body slag, poisons and cholesterol. * Take as little as possible high-calorie food.

* Be sure to enter in your daily diet of at least 50 grams of fresh fruits and vegetables.

* Eat more food, rich in fiber, especially with meat. Plants give people the necessary vitamins, minerals, help digest food and remove residues from the body without clogging it with slag.

Replace the habitual harmful food with healthy food. Buns, candy for prunes, honey, dried apricots, raisins.

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Evelina Mariya