
Словообразование 1. he left me no (choose) but to disqualify him. 2. she gave me a very (approve) look when she saw that i wasn't wearing the correct uniform. 3. she became more and more (anxiety) as time went by. 4. one of the (demonstrate) sat down in front of the lorry and refused to move. 5. the telephone service was very (rely) and we spent hours trying to make a single call. 6. there's a (short) of highly-skilled engineers so we might have difficulty getting the work done. 7. as her onle (survive) relative, he expects to inherit all her money. 8. i consider him to be one of our greatest (life) poets. 9. the sea defenses need to be (strong) before the winter to reduce the risk of flooding. 10. it is an (deny) fact that children watch too much tv.

Английский язык


1. choice
2. unapproving 
3. anxious
4. demonstrators
5. unreliable
6. shortage
7. survived
8. living
9. stronger
10. undeniable

I remember when I1) went on holiday abroad for the first time. I 2) had just left school. I 3) was studying very hard for my final exams and I 4) felt that I needed a holiday. A friend of mine 5) wanted to come as well so we 6) were looking at some brochures from the travel agent's. We 7) had been read for about an hour when my friend 8) found the perfect holiday - two weeks in Hawaii. We 9) were very excited about it. Finally the day of our holiday 10) arrived. We 11) had just left the house when the phone 12) was ringing. I 13) ran back into the house, but the phone 14) had stopped by the time I 15) I reached it. When we 16) arrived at the airport we 17) were sitting in the cafeteria. The airline 18) had just made an announcement. Our flight was delayed for eight hours. We 19) got up very early and rushed to the airport, all for nothing.

Устное народное творчество — самый древний вид искусства. Большое место в нем занимают пословицы и поговорки. Наши предки хотели передать через них свои знания, опыт, чтобы мы стали добрыми, умными и справедливыми. 
Пословицу можно всегда объяснить и буквально, и символически. Так, например, пословица "Не все то золото, что блестит" означает, что не всякий блестящий предмет сделан из золота. Это — буквальный смысл пословицы. Символический ее смысл в том, что иногда то, что снаружи привлекательно, по внутреннему содержанию — совсем не ценно. Иногда видишь красивого, хорошо одетого и привлекательного человека, а узнаешь его по-ближе, он оказывается глупым или злым. А бывает и наоборот. Однажды мама дала мне почитать книгу своего детства — повесть В. Мелентьева «Обыкновеная Мемба», которая не привлекла меня ни своим внешним видом, ни названием. Но когда я начала ее читать, то не могла остановиться. 
Пословица "Не все то золото, что блестит" нам сделать правильный выбор в разных жизненных ситуациях, советует обращать внимание не на внешний вид, а на внутреннее содержание человека или предмета.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Словообразование 1. he left me no (choose) but to disqualify him. 2. she gave me a very (approve) look when she saw that i wasn't wearing the correct uniform. 3. she became more and more (anxiety) as time went by. 4. one of the (demonstrate) sat down in front of the lorry and refused to move. 5. the telephone service was very (rely) and we spent hours trying to make a single call. 6. there's a (short) of highly-skilled engineers so we might have difficulty getting the work done. 7. as her onle (survive) relative, he expects to inherit all her money. 8. i consider him to be one of our greatest (life) poets. 9. the sea defenses need to be (strong) before the winter to reduce the risk of flooding. 10. it is an (deny) fact that children watch too much tv.
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