чееел, вот
1. since (Идет дождь с пятницы.)
2. at (Я не видел тебя дома.)
3. from – in (Откуда ты родом? – Россия. Но живу я в Германии.)
4. for – in (Подожди меня. Я вернусь через час.)
5. to – by (Мы часто ездим в Сочи на поезде.)
6. for (Люси работает официанткой в течение 4 лет.)
7. until (Он не мог заснуть до трех утра.)
8. after (Ее назвали в честь бабушки?)
9. in (Они интересуются философией.)
10. of (Я не люблю кошек.)
11. at (Тебе надо повернуть налево на углу.)
12. At – on (В 10 часов Бен разговаривал по телефону.)
13. at (Они все еще на работе.)
14. to (Он никогда не ходит в кино.)
15. of – by (Портрет моей матери был написан известным художником.)
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Желательно с пояснением complete the sentences with the appropriate function words 1)the treatment the disease turned out to be very effective and soon i was on my to recovery. 2) at that moment the the two brothers was far from being close. 3) usually teenagers can't wait to become independent their parents. 4) they are very good pupils, their level is much average. 5) you can always rely the information a good dictionary gives you. 6) gradually, my friend involved me the work of the music club. 7) finally, the pupils had to appeal .. their parents help and support. 8) they had s good option spending the evening at home, but they decided to go out. 9) can one really treat cough just hot tea or milk? 10) mark is learning as spanish as his second foreign language and makes a big deal it.
2. between
3. from
4. above
5. on
6. in
7. to, for
8. of
9. with
10. out of