
1) вчера тётя пришла к нам 2) мы их встретили в зале 3)друзья остались у нас три дня 4) они уже уехали перевести

Английский язык


Карева Даниил1537
1)Aunt went to our home yesterdat.2)We met them in the living room.3)Friends stayed with us for three day.4)They have already drive translate!))


Пример письма-поздравления на английском Перевод на русский

Mr John Lewis

General Manager

Hoverny Ltd

4567 Snake street

Oakland, California

Howard Stanley

9034 Canyon Street

San Francisco, California

USA, 90345

October 01, 2015

Dear Mr Stanley,

October, 02 will be a remarkable day of your 10th anniversary as a member of Hoverny Ltd. During these years of work you proved to be a loyal and qualified worker with great potential. We recognize the contribution you make in our company success and wish to congratulate you upon your 10th anniversary.

With respect,

John Lewis,

General Manager От: г-н Джон Льюис,

генеральный директор

Ховерни Лтд

4567 Снейк стрит,

Оакленд, Калифорния

Кому: Ховард Стенли

9034 Каньон стрит,

Сан Франциско, Калифорния,

США 90345

01 октября 2015 года

Уважаемый г-н Стенли,

02 октября будет 10 лет Вашей работы в Ховерни Лтд. За период своей работы Вы показали себя верным и квалифицированным сотрудником с высоким потенциалом. Мы признательны Вам за Ваш вклад в успех нашей компании и хотим поздравить Вас с 10-летней годовщиной.

С уважением,

Джон Льюис,

Генеральный директор.



I’m learning English because English is the most common language of the world.

The second reason of learning English is to survive in other countries. I like a trip abroad. If you can’t speak English, you may be not able to buy things which you need because you can’t tell a clerk what you want to buy.

Being able to listen to and speak English is the one of the best way to solve those troubles.

The skill of English I would like to strengthen most is listening and speaking. I think that listening to and speaking English are the most important things for me. There are many ways of improving my listening skill. My way is watching American movies with focusing on sound of speaking. I like American movies, comedies and TV dramas. I don’t like studying, so I want to enjoy studying.

This way of improving listening skill is the best for me. And for improving speaking skill, I speak in front of the mirror about what happened at the day or what I think. This way of practicing speaking skill may be strange, but I think that this way is very effective to polish speaking skill. I was taught this practice way by my English teacher, who I respected. Thanks to him, I had a great interest in studying languages and other countries cultures and came to like English. And thanks to him, I could pass the exam.

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1) вчера тётя пришла к нам 2) мы их встретили в зале 3)друзья остались у нас три дня 4) они уже уехали перевести
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