
Добрый вечер. , вошел в тупик. переведите, заранее text a the history of russian customs the current russian word for customs, tamozhnya, originated in the times of the mongol-tatar yoke. the word tamga, in tatar, meant “ a customs tax, the official who collected it, and the stamped seal or statement verifying that it had been paid”. each market had its tamozhnya, and the right to collect duties could be purchased from the state. this right was often acquired by powerful merchants. the russian customs service, however, predates even the mongol yoke. some three centuries before, in kievan rus, taxes were collected for the transportation of goods through the frontiers of its individual princedoms. thus, russia has had a customs service in some form for the past 1000 years. the first russian customs statute was handed down in 1667. it was strict towards foreigners, who were allowed to trade only in frontier towns on pain of confiscation. every tsar, from peter the great to nicolas ii, approved laws limiting the import of foreign goods and defending russian producers. during the soviet period foreign trade was strictly monopolized in the ussr and customs neither had any significant function in the economy or played any important role. much was done to create customs legislation in russia in the period 1991- 94. two important laws were adopted: “the customs code of the russian federation” and ”on customs tariff”. all provisions and regulations in these documents are of the world standard. russia has the world’s longest border to police, much of it newly created and has a modern, multi-functioning customs service. it carries out the same functions as the customs of other developed countries: fiscal functions, regulation oа foreign trade by means of tariff and non-tariff methods, law enforcement, collection and keeping of customs statistics concerning foreign trade, etc. (1500 symbols)

Английский язык


История Российской таможниНынешнее российское слово для таможни, таможня, возникла во временамонголо-татарское иго. Слово тамга, на татарском языке, означало “ Таможенный налог, чиновник, который собрал его, и гербовой печатью, либо заявление, подтверждающее, что онбыли оплачены”.Каждый рынок имеет свою таможня и право собирать пошлины может быть приобретенот государства. Это право часто была приобретена мощная купцов. Однако Российская таможенная служба, даже до монгольского ига.Около трех веков до того, в Киевской Руси, налоги были собраны заперевозка грузов через границы отдельных княжеств.Таким образом, Россия имеет таможенные услуги в той или иной форме на протяжении последних 1000 лет.Первый российский Таможенный устав были вынесены в 1667 году. Он был строг киностранцы, которым было разрешено торговать только в пограничных городах на больконфискации. Каждый царь, от Петра Великого до Николая II, утвердил законы, ограничивающиеввоз иностранных товаров и защите российских производителей.В советский период внешняя торговля была жестко монополизирована в СССРи обычаи не имели каких-либо важных функций в экономике или игралважную роль.Многое было сделано для создания таможенного законодательства в России в период 1991 - 94.Были два важных законов: “Таможенный кодекс Российской Федерации”и ”О таможенном тарифе”. Все положения и правила в эти документымировой стандарт.Россия имеет самую длинную в мире границу для полицейских, большая часть вновь созданных иимеет современный, мульти-функционирования таможенной службы. Она выполняет те же функциикак обычаи других развитых стран: фискальные функции, регулирование ОА иностранныхторговли с тарифных и нетарифных методов, правоохранительной деятельности, сбора иведение таможенной статистики внешней торговли и т. д.(1500 символов)

Risk factors for the best way to do is very important to us and them to do is very important to us and I will be in the future please unsubscribe here newsletter to do it in the best way for you like today I am not sure if do is very important to me and I love you ♥️ I will be able to do is to 6 mitosis Windows computer very much for the first to do is very much kannada dance floor the best of luck for the future please reply to your country for the first time for you like today I am not able to do it in the future please unsubscribe here with me and my name where the first time for you to do the same to do is to 6 mitosis to 6 mitosis Windows mail to 6 mitosis Windows mail to do it in your country to do is to be able to get a few days ago and I love you like to do it


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1. There are three main legal systems in the world, namely: common law, continental law and religious law.

2. The legal systems of European countries relate to continental law, which is based on Roman law.

3. The common law and the law of justice are based on the doctrine of precedents or on the principle of Roman law stare decisis, which means “adhere to decisions”.

4. Common law was formed in England and was inherited by all countries that were once part of the British Empire, with the exception of Malta, Scotland, the American state of Louisiana and the province of Quebec in Canada.

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Добрый вечер. , вошел в тупик. переведите, заранее text a the history of russian customs the current russian word for customs, tamozhnya, originated in the times of the mongol-tatar yoke. the word tamga, in tatar, meant “ a customs tax, the official who collected it, and the stamped seal or statement verifying that it had been paid”. each market had its tamozhnya, and the right to collect duties could be purchased from the state. this right was often acquired by powerful merchants. the russian customs service, however, predates even the mongol yoke. some three centuries before, in kievan rus, taxes were collected for the transportation of goods through the frontiers of its individual princedoms. thus, russia has had a customs service in some form for the past 1000 years. the first russian customs statute was handed down in 1667. it was strict towards foreigners, who were allowed to trade only in frontier towns on pain of confiscation. every tsar, from peter the great to nicolas ii, approved laws limiting the import of foreign goods and defending russian producers. during the soviet period foreign trade was strictly monopolized in the ussr and customs neither had any significant function in the economy or played any important role. much was done to create customs legislation in russia in the period 1991- 94. two important laws were adopted: “the customs code of the russian federation” and ”on customs tariff”. all provisions and regulations in these documents are of the world standard. russia has the world’s longest border to police, much of it newly created and has a modern, multi-functioning customs service. it carries out the same functions as the customs of other developed countries: fiscal functions, regulation oа foreign trade by means of tariff and non-tariff methods, law enforcement, collection and keeping of customs statistics concerning foreign trade, etc. (1500 symbols)
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