Просто смотришь, о ком вопрос, то есть находишь подлежащее. Если это одно из местоимений I, we, you, they или существительным во множественном числе, то в вопросе перед ними должен стоять глагол do.
Например: Do you live in Russia? Do they work here? Do your friends help you?
Если подлежащее выражено местоимением he, she, it или существительным в единственном числе, то в вопросе используем глагол does:
Does he drink coffee?
Does your teacher (=he/she) live near the school?
Does it rain here in summer?
2 Do
3 Does
4 Do
5 Does
6 Does
7 Does
8 Do
9 Does
10 Do
2 What do they do? - g. They're pilots.
3 Is he an architect? - f. No, he's an engineer.
4 What do you do? - e. I'm a hairstylist.
5 Are they police officers? - d. No, they're lawyers.
6 Where does she work? - b. In a restaurant – she's a waitress.
7 Is she a student? - h. No, she's a teacher.
8 What does he do? - a. He's an actor.
Rozybakiev Street Almaty City Kazakhstan
My name is Darina I am 9 years old and I live in the city of Almaty in Kazakhstan and study at school and I am looking for friends from my city
I have a younger sister - Amira, she is 1 year and 10 months old. My mother works as a PR manager and my Father works as a TV director and sound engineer.
What about your family?
I'm not very active, I like to read manga
and draw
When I have time I draw or read manga
I love artists who paint space and nature
I speak Russian and study English
Please contact me!
Good luck!
Надеюсь :)
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Что ставить? 1)do you know when they ? a)would come b)will come 2)by the time we come they . a)will be going b)will have gone 3)they for you at 7p.m. tomorrow. a)will have waited b)will be waiting c)will have been waiting
b)will come
2)By the time we come they ... .
b)will have gone
3)They ... for you at 7p.m. tomorrow.
b)will be waiting