
One, two, buckle my shoe three, four, knock at the door five, six, pick up sticks seven, eight, open the gate, nine, ten, a big fat hen, eleven, twelve, dig and delve найти рифмы в этой считалочке

Английский язык



Рифма в выделенных словах

One, Two, buckle my shoe,

[wʌn, tuː, ˈbʌkl maɪ ʃuː ],

Three, four, knock at the door,

[ θriː, fɔː, nɒk æt ðə dɔː ],

Five, six, pick up sticks,

[ faɪv, sɪks, pɪk ʌp stɪks ],

Seven, eight, open the gate,

[ˈsɛvn, eɪt, ˈəʊpən ðə geɪt ],

Nine, ten, a big fat hen,

[ naɪn, tɛn, ə bɪg fæt hɛn ],

Eleven, twelve, dig and delve.

[ ɪˈlɛvn, twɛlv, dɪg ænd dɛlv ].

Один, два, пряжку ботинка мне застегни,

Три, четыре, в дверь постучи,

Пять, шесть, ветки собери,

Семь, восемь, открой ворота,

Девять, десять, большая, жирная курица,

Одиннадцать, двенадцать, копай и копай...

Choosing a career is not an easy matter. I am leaving school in two years and I haven't yet decided which profession to choose.There are a lot of interesting things in the world, so it is difficult to make the right choice.In childhood I wanted to be a pilot, then I wanted to become a fireman. But now I have to think about my future career seriously. Some people are good at Maths, Physics and Biology, others enjoy History, Literature and Geography.In my opinion I am good at foreign languages. My favorite language is English. I like it very much and I want to be either a teacher of English or an interpreter. I like watching films in English, reading books in the original and listening to music in English.I think that young people should ask themselves: What am I interested in? What do I want to become? When they find the answer, they will have the goal to achieve. And then they should do everything to achieve this goal. If you are good at Maths and you want your profession to be connected with this subject, you should start studying it very seriously. The same is with other subjects.My father wants me to follow in his footsteps and become a businessman. But I am not interested in business or economics. I have always been bad at these subjects and I want my profession to be connected with English.My mother says that I should choose my future occupation myself. But I am still not sure what to choose. Of course there are a lot of special books about different professions. In addition, a lot of universities and institutes have open house days, so I can go there and choose a good place for my future studies.However, it is very difficult to enter a university. If you do not have money and if you are not a genius, you will never enter a good university or an institute. I have some friends who were in this situation and they had to choose a career not to their interests and liking.But some young people still do not know which career to choose even after they finish school, so they have to waste time deciding, or go to find a job. For men it is harder because they may be taken to the Army, that's why a lot of them enter any institute or university just not to become soldiers.Sometimes young people choose a career they are interested in, they enter a university and after some time they understand that this occupation is not for them, they get poor marks and have to leave the university.The problem of choosing a career is very widespread among young people and they should think about it seriously before making any decisions.

If all the seas were one sea,                         Если все моря были бы одним морем,

What a great sea that would be!                   Что за великое море могло бы быть!

If all the trees were one tree,                         Если все деревья были б одним деревом,

What a great tree that would be!                   Что за великое дерево могло бы быть!

And if all the axes were one axe,                  И если все топоры были бы одним топором,

What a great axe that would be!                   Что за великий топор мог бы быть! 

And if all the men were one man,                И если все мужчины были бы одним человеком, 

What a great man that would be!                 Что за великий человек мог бы быть! 

And if the great man took the great axe,     И если великий человек взял бы великий топор, 

And cut down the great tree,                         И срубил бы большое дерево,

And let it fall into the great sea,                    И позволил бы упасть на великое море  

What a splish-splash that would be!          Какой всплеск мог бы быть! 

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One, two, buckle my shoe three, four, knock at the door five, six, pick up sticks seven, eight, open the gate, nine, ten, a big fat hen, eleven, twelve, dig and delve найти рифмы в этой считалочке
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