1. Negative: I did not get up at half past six on Tuesday. Rule (правило): добавляем отрицание did not
Question: What time did I get up on Tuesday? Rule: добавляем вопросительное слово What и меняем порядок слов, вынося вс глагол did на первое место.
2. Negative: My son does not eat a sandwich and does not drink a cup of tea. Rule: добавляем отрицание does not
Question: Does my son eat a sandwich and drink a cup of tea? Rule: выносим вс глагол Does на первое место
3. Negative: We do not rest in the evening. Rule: добавляем отрицание do not
Question: Do we rest in the evening? Rule: выносим вс глагол Do
4. Negative: Yesterday I did not go to the market and I did not buy any fish. Rule: перед глаголами добавляем отрицание did not; заменяем "some" на "any"
Question: Did i go to the market and buy any fish yesterday? Rule: выносим вс глагол Did на первое место; заменяем "some" на "any"
1. There is a lot of cool places in the world 2. There is a lot of people at the party 3. There is not much pupils in the class 4. There is so much planes at the airport 5. There is a lot of cinemas in our city 6. There is a new aqua park by the beach, let’s go! 7. There is a nice restaurant, would you like to visit it? 8. There is a new kid in our school, let’s go welcome him 9. There is a nice new school subject 10. There is a student, that has bad behaviour, let’s talk to him. 11. There is a abandon house in the city 12. There is a parking lot above us 13. There is a new apartment with new neighbours under us 14. There is five stores near us 15. There is a old car here
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