
Сделать реферат на языке на тему "знаменитые писатели"

Английский язык


There were many famous writers in England. English literature contains a lot of periods. Let's look at their most prominent representatives.The first period is called the Old English. It was the time of the first written literature of England. We have the information about some poets of that period. The most famous of them was Caedmon. He was the Anglo-Saxon monk and author of "Hymn".The next period of English literature is Middle English. The well-known writer of that time was Geoffrey Chaucer. People know he wrote “The Canterbury Tales”. His works have a great popularity even today.It was the period of Renaissance in the 16 century. Renowned English poets and writers Edmund Spencer, Sir Philip Sidney, Francis Bacon lived and worked at that time. John Milton wrote his poem “Paradise Lost” and described the biblical story about heaven and hell. But the most brilliant representative of Renaissance in England was William Shakespeare.The greatest British poet and playwright was born in 1564. His hometown is Stratford-upon-Avon. William began to write his sonnets and plays in London in the age of 22. Later Shakespeare became one of the co-owners of the theatre Globe. He lived in London, but sometimes poet visited his family in Stratford. The playwright died at 52. William was buried in the Stratford church. There is also a monument to Shakespeare in the Westminster Abbey. His best-known plays are: “Othello”, “Hamlet”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Much Ado about Nothing”, “King Lear”.It was the period of Restoration in the 17th century. It was the time of new forms in literature. S. Pepys wrote the first memoirs “Dairy”. There were also changes in the poetry. They were reflected in John Dryden's comedy "Marriage a la Mode."There were several literary movements in 18th century. The representatives of literary elite were J. Swift, D. Defoe, H. Fielding. The main themes of the poems of S. Coleridge, W. Blake, W. Wordsworth were the forces of nature. Sir Walter Scott was the pioneer of the historical novel.The most famous writers of the Victorian period were C. Dickens, W. Thackeray, G. Elliot and T. Hardy.There was the First World War, and it was the beginning of the modern period in English literature. The best-known representatives of this period were T. Eliot and V. Woolf. Such writers as G. Greene, W. Golding, I. Murdoch worked at the end of the 20th century.

1.The students understand the new rule well.

1  Do the students understand the new rule well?

2 What do the students understand well?

3 Who understands the new rule well?

4 Do the students understand the new rule or exercise well?

5 The students understand the new rule well, don't they?

2.His mother taught English at our college last year .

1 Did his mother teach English at our college last year?

2 What did his mother teach at our college last year?

3 Who taught English at our college last year?

4 Did his mother teach French or English at our college last year?

5 His mother taught English at our college last year, didn't she?

3.They needed many different tools for their work​

1 Did they need many different tools for their work​?

2 What did they need for their work​?

3 Who needed many different tools for work​?

4 Did they need many different or the same tools for their work​?

5 They needed many different tools for their work​, didn't they?

PS: 5 видов вопросов

1 Общий

2 Специальный

3 Вопрос к подлежащему

4 Альтернативный

5 Разделительный


Москва – крупнейший центр  и столица России. Город имеет многовековую историю. Первые упоминания о Москве относятся к 12 веку н.э. Основателем города считается князь Юрий Долгорукий. Само название Москва происходит от одноименной реки, протекающей через  город.

За свою долгую историю существования город был неоднократно завоёван, сжигался, но всегда возрождался и отстраивался. Красоту Москвы трудно переоценить. Её пышным убранством восхищались многие писатели и поэты. Её живописные улочки и районы стали неотъемлемой частью многих литературных произведений.

Архитектура Москвы поражает своим многообразием и уникальностью. До наших дней сохранились здания и постройки многих столетий.  Целый ряд памятников архитектуры входит в список Всемирного наследия Юнеско. Наиболее выдающимися считаются   - Красная площадь и Московский Кремль, Новодевичий и Донской монастыри, царские и дворянские усадьбы Царицыно, Останкино, Кузьминки. Известен на весь мир Большой театр. Все памятники перечислить невозможно.

Москва богата парками и музеями, театрами и художественными галереями. Это центр культурной и экономической жизни России. Здесь размещаются известнейшие российские институты и университеты, правления многих банков, крупных российских фирм, представительства иностранных компаний. Столица России пользуется возрастающей популярностью у туристов. В городе находится множество отелей и ресторанов. Также Москва является центром политической жизни. Здесь заседает государственная Дума и находится главная резиденция Президента Российской федерации.

Сегодня Москва – это современный европейский мегаполис с многомилионным населением. Он стремительно развивается и становится все прекрасней.

Moscow - the largest center and the capital of Russia. The city has a long history. The first mention of Moscow belong to 12 century AD The founder of the city is the Prince Yury Dolgoruky. Moscow The name comes from the eponymous river running through the city. During its long history the city was repeatedly conquered, burned, but always revived and rebuilt. Beauty of Moscow can hardly be overestimated. Its magnificent decoration admired by many writers and poets. Its picturesque streets and districts have become an integral part of many literary works.Moscow's architecture is striking for its diversity and uniqueness. To this day we preserved the building and construction of many centuries. A number of monuments included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The most prominent are considered - the Red Square and the Moscow Kremlin, Novodevichy and the Donskoy monasteries, royal and noble Tsaritsyno, Ostankino, Kuzminki. It is known all over the world Grand Theatre. All the monuments impossible to list.

Moscow is rich with parks and museums, theaters and art galleries. It is a center of cultural and economic life of Russia. This is the place famous Russian institutes and universities, boards of many banks, large Russian companies, representative offices of foreign companies. The capital of Russia enjoys increasing popularity among tourists. The city has many hotels and restaurants. Also, Moscow is the center of political life. Here sits the State Duma and is the main residence of the President of the Russian Federation.Today Moscow - a modern European metropolis with a multi-million population. It is developing rapidly and becoming more beautiful.

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