Irina Bakaev

ответить на 3 вопроса подробно: what public holidays are celebrated in russia? what your favourite public holiday is and why you like it? how your favourite public holiday is celebrated in your city?

Английский язык


1)in Russia celebrate national holidays such as:New year (1-2 January), Orthodox Christmas (7 January), defender of the Fatherland Day (23 February), international women's day (8 March), the Festival of spring and labor day (1-2 may), Victory Day (9 may), Russia Day (June 12), the Day of accord and reconciliation (7 Nov), Constitution Day of the Russian Federation (December 12)
2)I like the New Year holiday.Because everything is so magical, festive you again as Butoh child.Chimes, here is a New Year 2017 and 2016 will take away all the bad
3)In my town celebrate the Day of defender of Fatherland (23 February)

Perhaps the most famous case of an athlete's victory over death is the story of the great cyclist Lance Armstrong.  By the time he was diagnosed with the disease, Lance had become world champion in Danish Oslo, and in October 1996, a doctor discovered that Lance had advanced testicular cancer.  Metastases have already penetrated not only the abdominal cavity, lungs, but even the brain.  An operation was immediately performed to remove the testicle, but this was not enough in this case.  In his autobiography, Armstrong described that throughout the course of treatment he believed that he would survive, although doctors gave pessimistic forecasts.  And the lines about how he coughed up blood and felt terrible after the chemotherapy courses are difficult to read without heart sinking.  The second operation - on the brain - was done in Houston.  The most complicated operation, which lasted several hours, was carried out successfully, and in fact the slightest mistake of the surgeon was enough to leave Armstrong disabled for life.  After all these torments, the athlete began to return to normal life, again sat down on a bicycle.  Although, as he himself admitted in his autobiography, he woke up more than once at night in a cold sweat and ran to the hospital to check if the disease had returned.  Later, the American founded a worldwide renowned Nike-backed foundation called Livestrong to help cancer patients.  After the doping scandal, they began to treat him colder, but it is impossible not to recognize the courage of this man, who in the literal sense of the word defeated death.


жду балов


увеличивать свою коллекцию футболок. Повседневный стиль в L.A. начинается с основных вещей. Эти вещи весьма универсальны. Правильно подобранный стиль будет уместен почти в любой ситуации. Ваша коллекция должна включать в себя различные цвета и текстуры, которые вы сможете сочетать с брюками и юбками, чтобы создавать разные образы.[1]

Черный, белый и серый цвета являются основными, однако не бойтесь носить яркие цвета, такие как розовый, желтый, чтобы выделяться.

Женщины в L.A. носят футболки со всем чем угодно: с узкими джинсами, леггинсами, мини юбками и даже поверх платьев. Если вы хотите выглядеть нарядно, выберете футболку из шелка или другой высококлассной ткани. Вы так же можете надеть футболку-платье, чтобы сделать ваш образ более классическим.

Мужчины носят футболки с брюками или джинсами. Темные приталенные футболки добавляют повседневному образу немного шика.

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