ответ:A simple peasant's ingenuity always helped out, he got out of any trouble safe and sound, taught many windbags and idlers to wits, but his wife, who did not know how to keep her mouth shut, could not bring her to reason for a long time.
As an elder, a good master in a wise advisor, a simpleton everyone respected and loved, therefore his young wife was held in high esteem by people. And just imagine that her husband owes her that the whole village respects them. Not only was she a hunter to sharpen the fringes - she would blur out any secret to her neighbors - she also began to become arrogant. But from conceit to stupid arrogance, and from them - to quarrels and strife is quite a stone's throw.The simpleton grieved, thinking about these vices, after all, his dear wife. For a long time he had intended to cure her of stupidity, and the plan had been thought out long ago, but the medicine was already very bitter, and the simpleton loved his wife with all his soul. All he could not muster up the courage and get down to business and, perhaps, would have postponed the "treatment" from day to day, if not for the case ...
"The word is silver, silence is gold. "
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