
Іть зробити ! fill in the gaps with: someone/ anyone/ no one/ something/ anything/ nothing/ somewhere/ anywhere/ nowhere/ everyone/ everything/ everywhere. 1.he likes sister is speaking on the phone. 3.ann didn’t secret. 4.jane gave my birthday. 5. paul didn’t give my birthday.

Английский язык


D.Yu. Polina1703
1) everywhere
2) no one
3) anyone
4) something
5) anything
Fast food has no benefit for the body. In some cases it is better to refrain from eating the food than to eat dangerous meals.The dangers of fast food on the human body*Excess weight and obesity;*Stones in the gallbladder;*Kidney problems;*Atherosclerosis;*The increase of cholesterol;*Increased blood sugar levels;*Hypertension;*Liver disease and pancreas;*Caries;*Ulcers and gastritis.Children begin to suffer a variety of diseases more often than their parents. And this can be explained not only the adverse environment, but also the food that harm the body. Little children and students prefer high-calorie foods fast food.Many students eat fast food to save time on cooking and money. Such savings lead to stomach ulcers and liver problems.
Rock in Rio is the largest music festival held in the Latin world. The festival originated in 1985 and was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Rock in Rio has since expanded across the atlantic to Lisbon (Portugal) and Madrid (Spain). In 2013 the festival
is scheduled to expand once again to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Rock in Rio is widely considered to be one of the best music festivals in the latin world.

Рок в Рио крупнейший музыкальный фестиваль, проводимый в латинском мире.Фестиваль возник в 1985 году и был проведен в Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия. Рок в Рио с тех пор распространилась по всей Атлантики до Лиссабона (Португалия) и Мадриде (Испания). В 2013 году фестивальпланируется расширить снова в Буэнос-Айресе, Аргентина. Рок в Рио широко считается одним из лучших музыкальных фестивалей в латинском мире

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Іть зробити ! fill in the gaps with: someone/ anyone/ no one/ something/ anything/ nothing/ somewhere/ anywhere/ nowhere/ everyone/ everything/ everywhere. 1.he likes sister is speaking on the phone. 3.ann didn’t secret. 4.jane gave my birthday. 5. paul didn’t give my birthday.
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