
Пересказать на языке по теме мой любимый город и задать 6 вопросов 4 класс мой любимый город москва

Английский язык


Moscow is my native city and I have been living here for more than 20 years. — 
(I have been to many cities, but Moscow will always be in my heart. — Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation and the administrative center of the Moscow region, it is also the largest Russian city with over 12 million residents. Moscow is located on the Moskva River in the European part of the country. Most historians agree that this river gave its name to the city. The Moscow Metro is considered to be one of the most beautiful underground systems in the world. Indeed, many of the stations have beautiful murals on the walls.There is a great variety of landmarks in Moscow, some of them were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The most famous are: the Kremlin, Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral, the Armoury Chamber. If you’re planning to stay in Moscow for a while, don’t forget to pay a visit to the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts and The Tretyakov Gallery.

вопросы хз
I was very lucky to be born, grow up and live in the most wonderful city in the land, one of the world's largest cities, ancient and modern at the same time the capital of our country, Moscow.
And, of course, like all my fellow countrymen, I am incredibly proud of the fact that I am a Muscovite. During its long history the city I had to go through a lot - there were ups and downs, Moscow tried to destroy and conquer, it sacrificed, paying for the victory to be burned in 1812. But like a phoenix, glorious and proud city again revived and bloomed in all its grandeur.To all my fellow countrymen, bearing the proud name of "Russian", Moscow - a symbol of the invincible and great people.
1. In which city I was born and live?2. In what year would destroy and conquer Moscow?3. I am proud of the fact that I am a Muscovite?
1. В каком городе я родилась и живу?2. В каком году хотели уничтожить и завоевать Москву?3. горжусь я тем, что являюсь Москвичкой?
Мне очень повезло родиться, вырасти и жить в самом чудесном городе на земле, одном из крупнейших мировых мегаполисов, древней и в то же время современной столице нашей державы Москве.
И, конечно, как и все мои земляки, я невероятно горжусь тем, что являюсь москвичкой. За свою многовековую историю моему городу пришлось многое пережить — были взлеты, и падения, Москву пытались уничтожить и завоевать, ее приносили в жертву, отдавая ради победы на сожжение в 1812 году. Но, как птица феникс, славный и гордый город снова возрождался и расцветал во всем своем величии.Для всех моих соотечественников, носящих гордое название «русские», Москва — символ непобедимого и великого народа.

1.I said that I had been in London for a fortnight's holiday. My friends in London.

2.Nick said that he had been never been to London.He thinked he would go there next year.

3.He said that he would not stay with my friends too long.

4.He said to me that they were staying at the Grand Hotel Europe.

5.He said that they were leaving next Monday.

6. The clerk said to them that they could.

leave the key with the maid upstairs.

7.the boy said to his mother that he had no time for lunch today.

8.the woman said me that I spoke nglish very well.

9.My brother said me that hi was  going to become a doctor.

10.My uncle said us that he bought everal newspapers every day.

11.The teacher said the pupils that the next year they wouldhave six hours of English.

12.he said me that he wanted to see me today.

13.she said that she was tonight.

14.The student said that he couldnt answer this question.he didnt understand it.



На русском:

Мой любимый герой это Гарри Поттер. Мне очень нравится его волшебная история! У него есть лучшие друзья: Рон и Гермиона. Они вместе Хогвартс! Мне очень нравится смелость этого героя,его отвага и честь! Мне бы очень хотелось стать таким же как и он!

На английском:

My favorite character is Harry Potter. I really like its magic story! He has best friends: Ron and Hermione. They're saving Hogwarts together! I really like the courage of this hero,his courage and honor! I would very much like to be like him.

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