Vladimirovna Dmitrieva

Iii. grammar 1. choose the positive, comparative and superlative degrees of the adverbs and adjectives in brackets and complete the sentences with them. use the definite article where necessary. 1. everyone knows that restaurants are (expensive) than cafes. 2. my dad is a very (careful) driver, my (old) brother drives much (dangerously 3. paul is (nice) guy i’ve ever met. 4. if you don’t sing a little (loud), no one will be able to hear you. 5. june, 22 is (long) day of the year. 6. in her new summer dress kate looked (pretty) than any other girl in the group. 7. this new task is as (hard) as the first one, not at all (easy). 8. i find professional sport (boring) than amateur sport and seldom watch it on television. 9. my father’s english is quite (good) but mum speaks (fluently) and her english is (idiomatic) than his. 10. do you think the world is becoming a (good) or a (bad) place to live in?

Английский язык


1. Everyone knows that restaurants are (more expensive) than cafes.
2. My dad is a very (careful) driver, my (elder) brother drives much (more dangerously).
3. Paul is (the nicest) guy I’ve ever met.
4. If you don’t sing a little (louder), no one will be able to hear you.
5. June, 22 is (the longest) day of the year.
6. In her new summer dress Kate looked (prettier) than any other girl in the group.
7. This new task is as (hard) as the first one, not at all (easier).
8. I find professional sport (more boring) than amateur sport and seldom watch it on television.
9. My father’s English is quite (good) but mum speaks (more) fluently and her English is (more idiomatic) than his.
10. Do you think the world is becoming a (better) or a (worse) place to live in?
Образование Present Perfect Progressive Present Perfect Progressive образуется с вс глагола to be в форме Present Perfect и основного глагола с окончанием -ing. have been / has been + основной глагол в I форме + -ing • Утвердительное предложение (УП) УП = Подлежащее + have been / has been + основной глагол в I форме + -ing. Jeff and Emily have been playing tennis for two hours.- Джеф и Эмили играют в теннис в течение двух часов. Отрицательное предложение (ОП) ОП = Подлежащее + have not been / has not been + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения. Jeff and Emily haven't been playing golf for three hours. • Общий вопрос (OB) OB = Have / Has + подлежащее + been + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения? HasJeff been playing tennis for two hours? — Yes, he has. • Альтернативный вопрос (АВ) АВ = ОВ + or + ОВ? Альтернативный вопрос представляет из себя два общих вопроса, соединенных союзом or (или). Обычно в речи второй вопрос сокращается и сохраняются только слова, содержащие альтернативу. Has Emily been playing tennis for two hours or (has she been playing tennis) for three hours? — Emily has been playing tennis for two hours. • Вопрос к подлежащему (ВП) ВП = Who / What + has been + основной глагол в I форме + -ing + второстепенные члены предложения? Who has been playing tennis for two hours? — Jeff and Emily have. * Специальный вопрос (СВ) СП = Вопросительное слово + ОВ? How long have Jeff and Emily been playing tennis? — Theyhave been playing tennis for two hours. • Разделительный вопрос Jeff and Emily haven't been playing tennis for four hours, have they? — No, they haven't. Present Perfect образуется при вс глагола to have в форме настоящего времени (have, has) и формы причастия времени смыслового глагола (для правильных глаголов это инфинитив с окончанием –ed, для неправильных глаголов - третья форма) : I have worked. He has worked. В вопросительной форме вс глагол ставится перед подлежащим: Have I worked? Has he worked? В специальном вопросе вс глагол ставится перед подлежащим, а перед вс глаголом используется нужное вопросительное местоимение: Where have I worked? Why has he worked? With whom have you worked? В вопросе к подлежащему вопросительное местоимение who ставится перед сказуемым вместо самого подлежащего (в данном вопросе всегда используется вс глагол has): Who has worked? Отрицательная форма образуется при частицы not, которая ставится после вс глагола: I have not worked.
Россия самая большая страна в мире. Её площадь равна 17 125 407 км2. Она знаменита Сибирью, их ещё очень часто называют лёгкими планеты. Россия многонациональная страна, здесь живут достаточно много национальностей. Россияне очень патриотичный народ, они никогда не скажут ничего плохого о своей стране. Ещё Россия знаменита своими писателями и поэтами, самый известный это Александр Сергеевич Пушкин. Я люблю Россию.

Russia is the biggest country in the world. its area is 17,125,407 km2. It is famous for Siberia, they are also often referred to as the lungs of the planet. Russian multi-ethnic country, there live a lot of nationalities. The Russians are very patriotic people, they never say anything bad about their country. More Russia is famous for its writers and poets, the most famous is Alexander Pushkin. I love Russia.

*писал сам, надеюсь понравится.

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Iii. grammar 1. choose the positive, comparative and superlative degrees of the adverbs and adjectives in brackets and complete the sentences with them. use the definite article where necessary. 1. everyone knows that restaurants are (expensive) than cafes. 2. my dad is a very (careful) driver, my (old) brother drives much (dangerously 3. paul is (nice) guy i’ve ever met. 4. if you don’t sing a little (loud), no one will be able to hear you. 5. june, 22 is (long) day of the year. 6. in her new summer dress kate looked (pretty) than any other girl in the group. 7. this new task is as (hard) as the first one, not at all (easy). 8. i find professional sport (boring) than amateur sport and seldom watch it on television. 9. my father’s english is quite (good) but mum speaks (fluently) and her english is (idiomatic) than his. 10. do you think the world is becoming a (good) or a (bad) place to live in?
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