
Write 8 sentences about recent events, things going on at the moment and your near future plans. use present tenses and the adverbs in the list (запишите 8 предложений о недавних событиях, о том, что происходит сейчас и о будущих планах, используя времена группы present и данные наречия): now, just, next month, already, this week, at the moment, since, in a year.

Английский язык


1. I am reading a book now. 2. I have just been there. 3. I'll go there next month. 4. I have already read the text. 5. I am prepearing to the test this week. 5. He is doing his homework at the moment. 6. I haven't seen him since childhood. 7. I am going to do it in a year. 8. She is watching TV now.

alice's adventures in wonderland by lewis carroll is a story about alice who falls down a rabbit hole and lands into a fantasy world that is full of weird, wonderful people and animals. it is classic children's book that is also popular with adults. personally, at 16, i found the book strange and uninteresting. however if i was 8-14 i would have loved the fantastic fantasy world carroll creates.   i loved the cheshire cat's wit and intelligence. i also love the hatter.

however, i thought the events were sometimes random and didn't always connect. i also disliked the number of characters, this is because sometimes i found it uninteresting and sometimes it meant that i didn't have the development of scenes i wanted.

i believe that it is a clever book that i   have preferred when i was younger but now i have a different taste in books. carroll has created a unique world that i hadn't seen before. this why i believe it is a book that i would recommend.


алиса в стране чудес написана льюисом кэрралом это про алису которая упала в кроличью нору и попала в фантастический мир полный странных и удивительных людей и животных. это классическая детская книжка которая также популярна среди взрослых. лично я, в свои 16, нахожу эту книгу странной и неинтересной. тем не менее , в свои 8-14 лет я обожал этот фантастический мир кэрроловских существ.

я люблю чеширского кота такого остроумного и интеллигентного. я также люблю безумного шляпника.  

тем не менее, я думаю что некоторые события были рандомными и несвязанными друг с другом. так же мне не нравится число героев, потому что иногда я нахожу это неинтересным и иногда это значит не полное раскрытие сцен которых бы мне хотелось.

я верю что это поучительная книга которую я предпочитал в детстве но сейчас у меня другие книжные вкусы. кэррол создал уникальный мир который я не видел ранее. поэтому я рекомендую её к прочтению.


The system of education in the USA varies greatly from state to state. School education in so called state public schools is free. Parents are free to choose any public school for their children. Although there are a lot of private schools, mainly religious, and parents have to pay for them. A school year starts in September and ends in June. It is divided into three terms or four quarters. 

American children start attending elementary schools at the age of 6. They continue their studies for eight years there (8 grades). Their basic subjects in the curriculum at this stage are English, Arithmetic, Natural Science, History, Geography, Foreign Language and some others. After that pupils may enter a Senior high school or if they go to a 5- or 6-year elementary school, they then attend a 3- or 4-year Junior high school, and then enter a Senior high school. Pupils graduate from high schools at the age of 18. The high schools (also known as secondary schools) are generally larger and accommodate teenagers from four or five elementary schools. During the school year the students study four or five selective subjects according to their professional interests. They must complete a certain number of courses to receive a high school diploma or a certificate of school graduation.

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Write 8 sentences about recent events, things going on at the moment and your near future plans. use present tenses and the adverbs in the list (запишите 8 предложений о недавних событиях, о том, что происходит сейчас и о будущих планах, используя времена группы present и данные наречия): now, just, next month, already, this week, at the moment, since, in a year.
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