1) Big Zoo.
2) After my mom's cleaning, my room became clean.
3) My brother goes to the hotel.
4) My parents and I went to the beach.
5) Because of the hot weather, I did not go outside (for a walk).
6) After school, I came home and watered the flowers.
7) When I came from chess my family and I decided to watch TV.
8) I broke a window at school. And as soon as I returned home, my mother decided to punish me.
9) Our computer broke down and we decided to go to the movies.
10) A friend invited me to my birthday.
My school is my home. Here I learned to read, write, and count. Here I found friends, met wonderful teachers. You can ask everyone for advice, you can talk to everyone. I love my school for sincere people, great location, comfort and wonderful atmosphere.
My school is not far from my house. Next to it there is a large stadium, a small park area. Our school is very bright and cozy. There are pictures of us hanging in the classroom, lesson schedules, and beautiful flowers. I feel comfortable at school, because I spend a lot of time here.
Моя школа - мой дом. Здесь я научился читать, писать, считать. Здесь я обрел друзей, познакомился с чудесными учителями. У всех можно попросить совета, с каждым можно поговорить. Я люблю свою школу за искренних людей, прекрасное местоположение, уют и чудесную атмосферу.
Моя школа находится недалеко от моего дома. Рядом с ней есть большой стадион, маленькая парковая зона. Школа наша очень светлая и уютная. В классной комнате висят наши фотографии, расписание уроков, стоят прекрасные цветы. В школе я чувствую себя комфортно, ведь здесь я провожу немало времени.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Написать письмо другу (на урок языка): письмо идет другу, в письме должны быть советы, как защитить окружающую среду, объём не менее 120 слов. (8 класс)
hello, my friend!
i was very glad to get a letter from you.
you asked me about environment. i want to give you some advices how you can protect the environment. you must sort your rubbish. plastic bottles, juice cartons, and cardboard can be taken to a recycling bank. you can use
recycled papers to help save trees. you can avoid buying plastic since is difficult to recycle. let’s keep the streets around us tidy, neat and clean, so don’t drop litter, put it in the bin! you can plant a tree. by planting and growing more trees, we will help reduce the pollution, lower energy costs, improve the surrounding. you see my advices are very simple. every person can do it. and you can do it too.
sorry. i need to go.