
Написать 100 слов как я провила свой новый год

Английский язык


New Year - is my favorite holiday. The day before I was always covers the strange feeling that something should happen joyful and magical. Throughout the festive atmosphere, all preparing for the holiday - choose beautiful Christmas tree, buy different fruits, sweets, prepared gifts for loved ones. Since childhood, the New Year - it's like a fairy tale to me.

We are starting to prepare for the celebration in advance. Clean the house, decorate the tree, decorate the room balls, garlands, beautiful toys, holiday lights, candles. I love Christmas and Christmas wreaths with conifer branches, bright ribbons and figures of angels. Previously, I've seen only in foreign films, and now the fashion came up to us.

Mom always prepares for the holiday table something unusual, nebudnichnoe. I try not to sleep through the time of the arrival of the new year under the chiming clock. After the last stroke on the street starts Fireworks, which can last for hours! Every year we visit relatives and friends come. We have fun, organize various competitions, dance, sing. It is always very interesting, but I usually go to sleep early. In the morning, immediately ran to the tree to see what I was given.

Especially good when New Year's Eve is frosty snowy weather. The windows of all the houses flashing colored lights. All celebrate and have fun. Apparently, due to the fact that the New Year - a common holiday, celebrate it so exciting!
Attic ['ætɪk]чердак
Balcony ['bælkənɪ]балкон
Bathroom ['bɑːθruːm]ванная комната
Bedroom ['bedruːm]спальня
Boxroom [bɔksrum]кладовая, чулан
Cellar ['selə]подвал; погреб; подвальный этаж
Cloakroom ['kləukrum] гардеробная, раздевалка
Conservatory [kən'sɜːvətrɪ] оранжерея, теплица, зимний сад
Dining-room ['daɪnɪŋrum] столовая
Downstairs ['daun'stɛəz]низ, нижний этаж здания, нижняя часть здания
Games room [geɪms rum]Игровая комната
Guestroom ['gestrum]спальня для гостей
Utility room [ju(ː)'tɪlɪtɪrum]подсобное помещение, подсобка
Toilet ['tɔɪlət]туалет, уборная
Study /Study room ['stʌdɪ rum]рабочий кабинет
Now I am at school. My holiday is over.Сейчас я в школе. Мои каникулы закончились.I spent my holiday very well. I
went out with my friends, read, listened to music, watched TV, played
computer games.Я провела каникулы очень хорошо. Я
гуляла с друзьями, читала, слушала музыку, смотрела телевизор, играла комп.
игры. I spent some weeks in a summer cottage with my grandparents. I helped my
grandpa to dig the garden, to water plants, and to gather fruit and vegetables.Несколько недель я провела в деревне у
бабушки. Я капать огород, поливать растения, собирать овощи и  фрукты. Also I was fishing with my grandpa. I enjoyed floating by boat, swimming
in the river and helping my grandparents. Также я ходила на рыбалку с дедушкой.
Мне понравилось плавать на лодке, плавать в реке и моим родным. Some days I was in the Crimea. It was a great time. I swimmed, walked by seaside, and visited many
sights.Несколько дней я была в Крыму. Было
классно. Я плавала, гуляла по побережью и посела достопримечательности.During my  summer holidays I made many
new friends, read a lot of interesting books, got to know a lot of useful
things. Now I feel ready to get back to school. I am happy to meet my friends and
teachers. Во время каникул у
меня появилось много новых друзей, я прочитала много интересных книг, узнала
много интересных вещей. Сейчас я готова к учебе. Я очень рада видеть своих
друзей и учителей.P.S. по поводу ЖЕНСКОГО РОДА, В английском языке грамматического рода нет.

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