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Those pretty wrongs that liberty commits, When I am sometime absent from thy heart, Thy beauty, and thy years full well befits, For still temptation follows where thou art.
Gentle thou art, and therefore to be won, Beauteous thou art, therefore to be assailed. And when a woman woos, what woman's son, Will sourly leave her till he have prevailed?
Ay me, but yet thou mightst my seat forbear, And chide thy beauty, and thy straying youth, Who lead thee in their riot even there Where thou art forced to break a twofold truth:
Hers by thy beauty tempting her to thee, Thine by thy beauty being false to me.
The cow is a big domestic animal .It is white with dark spots. Сows eat plants. Baby cow - calf,which drinks mother`s milk. The cow have a lot of milk , because she eats a juicy summer grass and winter hay. Home cow gives milk, from which then make butter , cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream. And it gives us the meat. The cow is a useful animal! Корова велика домашня тварина .Це білий з темними плямами. Корови їдять рослини. Маленька корова - теля, п'є молоко у мами. У корови є багато молока, бо вона їсть соковиту траву влітку і взимку сіно. Головна корова дає молоко, з якого потім роблять масло, сир, сир і сметану. І вона дає нам м'ясо. Корова це корисна тварина!
Hi, Emily!
Hi, Jane!
What's the news?
I bought a new phone. It's amazing. It's got a very good media player and access to Internet.
Wow, that's cool. But even though we use our phones every day, I prefer computers.
However good a phone's media player is, the computer's one is always better. And it's got a huge screen.
But you can't always take it with you. For example, if you need to go on a vacation, you can't take a huge computer with you, but you always take a phone. And plus, it's got a camera, which also is always with you! Isn't it awesome?
Well, yes. But in case you need to print something or use a program to do something, a computer is the way to.
You're right, too. I guess both a computer and a phone have got their goods.
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